Salted Eggs with Tomatoes | Foodthography #001


Duck eggs are traditionally used to make salted eggs but chicken eggs work fine too. Salted eggs is made by soaking the eggs in a brine solution for about three weeks or more and keep them in a dark and dry place—preferably the cupboard. Eggs don’t cure quickly in cooler temperatures and its curing period depends on the climate’s temperature. Source link

This morning my sister went to market to buy some fish, vegetables, meats, and etc. She also bought salted eggs or we call it here in the Philippines, Itlog Maalat. We really love to eat salted eggs with tomatoes and cucumber on it. But my sister forgot to buy cucumber so we end up tomatoes only. But it really tastes good. I am into salty foods by the way.

So, here are some of photos. Maybe you could do it in your house guys if you like ;) You just need, tomatoes, onions, ginger, spring onions, and of course salted eggs. Then add them together and that's it.

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