Interesting facts about food [MUST READ!!]


1.) The most popular carrots used to be purple.
2.) There are 7,500 varieties of apples grown throughout the world, and if you tried a new variety each day, it would take you 20 years to try them all.
3.) The popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old in 1905.
4.) "SPAM" is short for spiced ham.
5.) The twists in pretzels are meant to look like arms crossed in prayer.
6.) Eating bananas can help fight depression.
7.) Peanuts aren't nuts, they're legumes.
8.) Fruit-flavored snacks are made with the same wax used on cars.
9.) McDonald's sells 75 hamburgers every second of every day.
10.) Coconut water can be used as blood plasma.
11.) Milt, which is a delicacy around the world, is fish sperm.
12.) The softening agent L-cysteine — used in some bread — is made from human hair and duck feathers.
13.) Casu Marzu is a cheese found in Sardinia that is purposely infested with maggots.
14.) Castoreum, which is used as vanilla flavoring in candies, baked goods, etc., is actually a secretion from the anal glands of beavers.
15.) There is an amusement park in Tokyo that offers Raw Horse Flesh-flavored ice cream.
16.) Most wasabi consumed is not real wasabi, but colored horseradish.


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