Hack For Potatoes

Potatoes are wonderful; They are like balls of dirt. Heavy and full, With a white flesh. Most Americans probably eat them almost every day with their addiction to French Fries.

  • Potatoes can be in greasy foods or healthy foods, But because we usually pair them with grease, fattening cheeses, and bacon. Potatoes are often looked like at unhealthy food.

But they are very healthy...

Potatoes are high in:

  • Fiber
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C

Vitamin B6 is essential for the...

  • Formation of new cells.
  • Production of Seratonin
  • Helping you brain produce Melatonin so that you can sleep at night.

How does a Potato need to be?

It needs to be firm, and smooth. Avoid potatoes that are sprouting, or any green.

  • Avoid prewashed potatoes; They can often have more bacteria on them. Plus you'll have to wash them when you get home anyways; The extra cost isn't worth the effort.
  • Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator, Ideally; they need to be in a cold, dry and dark place. Like a basement or cellar.
  • Put them in a paper bag, Avoid the plastic bag that they come in, Your potatoes need to "breathe."
    and moisture needs to stay away.
  • Remove potatoes that sprout immediately, keeps them away from the nonsprouting potatoes. If one is sprouting, it will make the others sprout.

Eating Potatoes

The potatoes skin is high in fiber! So it's highly recommended to consume the whole potato including the skin, Make sure to wash them well, though, So you don't eat the sand and dirt with it! Hehee.

When you cut the potatoes, cook as soon as possible. The oxygen will rapidly begin to discolor the vegetables.

- An average American eats 4lbs of Potato chips a year!

While potatoes are healthy, Unfortunately, potato chips are not.

America's favorite way to eat potatoes.

  • Potato Gratin
  • Twice baked
  • Mashed
  • French Fries
  • Hash browns

- Potatoes come in 4th place of popularity after rice, corn, and wheat.

Ways To Eat Potatoes

  1. Boiled
  2. Potato salad
  3. Baked Potatoes
  4. Oven Fries
  5. Chips
  6. Hash browns
  7. Mashed
  8. Tater tots
  9. Hasselback
  10. Potato skins,

While many of these are unhealthy when you eat them away from home, They don't have to be bad for you. Try using coconut, Olive, Or avocado oil to make them healthier. Cook them WITHOUT a deep fryer. This will make them much healthier!

We should have lots of potatoes in our diet; They are cheap Versatile. And high in vitamins. Just like eggs.
To learn more about eggs see my post
They are also filling, With them being cheap you can feed a family off very little, And throw in some eggs for some good quality protein!

You can buy potatoes

  • Dried
  • Frozen
  • Fresh.

Obviously fresh are the best, But the dried are convenient. I like to keep a small stash of those for when I feel too lazy to go to the grocery store. They are also quicker because you don't have to wash or cut them. Usually, they are precut in hash brown form or Scalloped.

"Americans eat 110 pounds per person of potatoes each year" Source:


One of my favorite dishes is cheesy potato soup, Which isn't the healthiest way to make potatoes, but it's delicious!
I like to cut the potato pieces minuscule, Boil them until they almost melt in your mouth, and use tons of cheese, Cream of chicken soup or make my broth from water and beef bullion. You can even add some vegetables.

What is your Favorite Dish With Potatoes?

For silly uses for potatoes, (Other than eating) I found this great article here

Thank you Morguefile for the photos

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