The Quintessential Parsee Akoori

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The quintessential Parsee Akoori is a tad similar to Anda Bhurji, the one made all over India, except that Anda Bhurji is usually overcooked with the egg scrambled to a hard consistency while Akoori is creamy and soft in consistency. Yes, there are Bawajis in our clan who overcook eggs for Akoori, but for true Akoori lovers (me included) that is sacrilege. Eggs are never meant to be overcooked! We also add a wee bit of cream to the spice mix before adding the eggs to ensure the dish has a rich creamy texture.

My recipes are, ALWAYS, tried and tested by me. I never post recipes I have not tried in my own kitchen. Each recipe created and posted feels like a newborn baby. I teach it to walk but when you successfully recreate it in your kitchen, you set it free, to fly. You, my dear friends, are the ones who give it wings. Feedback (negative or positive) is always welcome because it helps me hone my cooking skills to create better dishes. If you try a recipe from my repertoire, please let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing from you.

Please, do click on the link below to check out the recipe.

Also.. please, pretty please click on the resteem button to spread the deliciousness.

I send Gratitude, Love, Light & Deliciousness your way!

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