Cheviche with Norwegian salmon, mango and avocado - Best peruvian dish

Made one of my all time favoritt dishes tonight. Peruvian Ceviche with salmon. Stranslated to english it means fish or chellfish coocked in lime. The acid in the lime transform the fish to one of the best flavours in the world. Thats my opinion.

A friend of mine that lives in peru now made me this dish some years ago, and i has hooked. Peru, or Lima is the nr 1 top food destenation in the world, and i can see why. this dish is superfresh.


Ceviche with salmon, mango and avocado (4 people)

The fish bowl:
250 grams of fresh salmon, cut in thin sashimi slices.
1 large red onion
some Spring onion
15 small tomatoes cut in half
1 large bunt of cilantro
some Spring onian

Mix the ingredients in a bowl.


The lime sause:
5 gloves of garlic
1/4 jalapeno
1/4 red chilli
0,5 dl of soy sauce
0,5 dl of orange juice
1/4 fist of cilantro
The juice of 4 limes
some salt

Mix the ingredients in a bowl


The fruit bowl:
2 avocados
1 mango
some salt

Cut the fruit in cubes, and put it in a bowl.


Mix the sause in the fish bowl, and mix it well. the fish will turn a bit gray fast.
Mix the fish and fruits together, and put on some cinatro on the tup.




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