SUNDAE on a SUNDAY...what could be better....

Its Sunday again, the day I like to be a little silly with my post. So why don't we talk about one of my favorite desserts... The SUNDAE

Lets start with my most favorite of them all, The MINT Chocolate CHIP From Ghirardelli.

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(photo credit:

Whenever I go to the Disney Village AKA Downtown Disney AKA Disney Springs, I must make a stop at the Ghirardelli Shop. For those of you that don't know, they are ALWAYS giving away a free square of chocolate (I never miss that sweet treat). But sometime I do one better and I hit their ice cream shop and order their Mint Chocolate Chip Sundae. It is rich and creamy, the perfect amount of minty flavor and they top it off with a signature chocolate square. This one is not to be missed.

This next one is hard to find in my side of town these days since they closed down most of the Friendly's restaurants. I am talking about the Reese’s® Pieces® Sundae

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(Photo Credit: Friendly'

I am not a big lover of peanut butter, but this combination with the vanilla ice cream and chocolate just seems to hit the spot. Give it a try, and the best thing about it is that its a great size to share!

Now the Sundae I have most often is the Hot FUDGE Sundae from, you guessed it McDonalds. I mean, at $.99 it really can't be beat.

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(Photo Credit: Pinterest)

I will sometime switch it up for the Caramel, and when I really want to "go wild" I will pay extra to have them do a Caramel, fudge MIX!

Now lets talk about two Sundaes I will NEVER taste, these two are fighting over the title as The MOST Expensive SUNDAE In The WORLD.

This is the Black Diamond Sundae sold at a Cafe in Dubai.

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(photo Credit:

The Ingredients used to make this include Madagascar vanilla ice cream, Iranian saffron, rare black Italian truffles and 23 carat edible gold, and it sells for $817.00. Just by the photo alone I am not impressed, I think any of the 3 listed above have it beat 800 different ways!

And last but certainly no least is the Golden Opulence Sundae sold at Serendipity 3 in NYC

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(photo credit: NY

I have seen this guy on Oprah and on the Suze Orman show...during her segment "Can I AFFORD This". The price for this bad boy is $25,000. Why anyone in the world would EVER want to throw that way on ice cream is beyond me. Well ok to be fair is seems the Sundae ALONE is just $1000. But it can come with an 18-kt gold and diamond bracelet, and with the golden spoon. Which tack on an extra $24,000.

So there it is folks, from the poorest of us to the richest, we can all enjoy this lovely cold and tasty treat. How about you go out today and have one...I think I will!


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