What I made/ate for Canadian Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada and most people spend the whole weekend eating. I had my Thanksgiving dinner yesterday with my boyfriend. Even though it's just the two of us, we made a full Thanksgiving meal together so we could spend today being lazy and eating leftovers. :) Here's what we made!


I made these two pies in advance since they keep well. There's a pumpkin pie and also a maple pecan pie. To maintain a pretty pattern on top, I learned that the trick is to lay out the nuts in the pie shell in your desired design and then pour the pie filling very, very slowly into the shell and the nuts will stay in place and float on top.

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Brussel sprouts with bacon! I used this recipe from The Food Lab by Kenji Lopez. It turned our SO well, highly recommend it!

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We roasted sweet potato with olive oil, brown sugar and maple syrup. They came out soft and fluffy and sweet but not too sweet. I cut my veggies and stored them in tupperware a day or two in advance so there's less to do on the actual cooking day. There's two types of sweet potatoes here, the regular orange one and also a yellow fleshed Korean one that has a maroon/brownish skin. I just had both on hand so I figured, why not.


My favourite part of a thanksgiving meal is always the stuffing/dressing. I opted for dressing so I didn't have to deal with stuffing our bird. Just a simple version with fresh sage, rosemary and thyme along with chicken stock, butter and onions. I was supposed to put garlic but forgot and honestly, it tasted so good as is it didn't really need it.


Here's a shot of a few of the things all together! There was more chicken than this, but I didn't originally plan on making a steemit post so I didn't take a pic. We roasted a whole chicken and also two supremes so we can have meals for the week. I like to butterfly my whole chicken for roasting as its the fastest method and gets the crispiest skin. It might look a little pale, but it was very crispy. There's also a big pot of mashed potatoes here as well (with butter and cream).


Ta da! Here's the full plate. I also made cranberry sauce in advance (it's probably the easiest dish to make for Thanksgiving!). There's also gravy of course! My most favourite thing ever. Haha.

I hope my fellow Canadians are having a nice Thanksgiving weekend! And for those of you that aren't from here, I thought you might like to see a glimpse of what are some pretty typical Thanksgiving foods. What does your family eat on Thanksgiving? Thanks for reading!

For more posts on food and travel with original photos, please follow me at @jellyfishdonut.

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