Today's lunch menu duck a very delicious green chili

Hello everything is back again with me On this occasion I will tell you about how this afternoon we went to where the stall that provides food packages of duck rice very tasty green chili.



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In addition to the chicken with chili sauce, duck penyet fried or grilled with green chili sauce fit make this lunch. The savory duck meat in a spicy chili sauce mix with acid.



Green chillies or lado mudo is a blend of green chilies, tomatoes and green onion. Tasty enjoyed with savory duck crisp and warm sticky rice. If you want to have lunch with a duck green chillies, stopping only to this place.


Green chilli Duck flavor pungency is already no doubt. Doing his own any tender, easily torn by hand. Tanned colour flavorings and seeped into his. Green chili pepper crushed coarse and it felt as if living tongue.

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