BBQing with the Ziegler & Brown Twin Grill


A few months ago I invested in a Ziegler & Brown Twin Grill BBQ and have been very happy with the brand thus far. Weekend BBQ's have been pleasant and have recently had the chance to test out a few accessories that were given to me for Christmas. Being able to cook various vegan kebabs for my girlfriend or selected meat cuts for friends and myself has been rewarding on the ziegler.


The Ziegler was purchased from BBQ s galore with 20 percent off, that was recommended by the salesman. More often than not, I tend to not listen to salesmen; nevertheless he was a young chap who did a great job in explaining the differences between the Ziegler & Brown Twin Grill and the well known Webber. I did my own quick investigation on the Ziegler while in store, I found that he may have been on to something. People may have a different opinion, but I had been convinced to buy the Ziegler rather than the Webber primarily for it being more affordable and able to control the temperature with the twin burners. Both the Webber and Z&G are very similar and can be difficult to choose between.

A good friend purchased the Webber and have had the pleasure to see it in action. My friend is very impressed with his purchase, just like I have been happy with the Z&G. After a few months I have not noticed anything bad with the quality of the Z&G, although time will tell.


Firstly, the Z & G may be better for the Australian market in regards to how it operates. Most Australians love to have the BBQ open and sizzling away with sausages and various steaks or Kebabs. While Americans tend to BBQ with a different “low and slow” style that requires the BBQ to be constantly closed. Sizzling sausages or steak on the open grill are a big deal in Australia, therefore closing the BBQ may not be ideal for some Australian BBQers. The oxygen and oil dripping off the meat produces flames that crafts that unique Australian burnt flavour. I personally love my food well charred and tender inside. The biggest advantage of the Z&G is the fact that you could do either, you can close the BBQ where you are able to slow cook or alternatively leave the BQQ open. The Z&G will still produce enough heat with the lid opened to give that crispy char grilled preference that some people do prefer. The Webber on the other hand must be closed to cook at the higher temperature; it just doesn’t get hot enough when the lid is open on my friends Webber BBQ(single burner). The Z&G allows the master chef to mix it up and leave it open or closed enabling the choice to promote oxygen and watch the flames char grill the meat. The Z&G can perform the 'low and slow' technique very well. This technique will hold the flavour, juices and heat, keeping the meat moist. Being able to mix between the two styles of BBQing can produce some mouth watering tucker. Once you have cooked the selected foods, you could open the BBQ lid to finish off each side for that traditional Australian char grilled flavour. I have noticed with the Z&G some amazing char grilled flavours that are surprisingly tender rather than dry. The Ziegler has two flames with the aim of allowing for more control when cooking and able to achieve that higher temperature previously mentioned for an open BBQ. This is tremendously handy if you want to turn down the direct heat on one side, allowing for that perfect direct flame for a particular food or person. My girlfriend does not like her food char grilled too much, as a result I can turn the heat down on one side. If you turn one side down and the other on high it can help circulate the heat and trap the juices inside creating an amazing tenderness that just melts in your mouth. Creating your own technique and learning the BBQ is all part of the fun. Every time I have used the Z&G I have used different cooking procedures with varying results.

My view is that if you prefer the “low and slow” style barbecue and do not need to have an open BBQ then stick with the Webber. My friend who owns the Webber came over for a BBQ, we both agreed you cannot fault either, both are great BBQ’s. Just be aware that they are a little different in cooking style and both will taste great in their own way. The Z&G is a admirable competitor to the well known Webber BBQ


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Recently I was given a few gifts for the Ziegler, lucky me!! One was the stainless steel smoker box. I must admit this has created the biggest difference in flavour if you get it right. The smoker box can be packed with pellets or wood-chips and situated directly over the flame. The biggest downfall would be that you have less room for your meats, so if you need to cook a lot of food for friends, perhaps give it a miss. Beware that when the BBQ has been turned off the Smoker box is very very hot and will remain hot for a good couple of hours. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THE SMOKER BOX. Other than that it has been amazing as the Smokey camp fire type aroma will infuse the meat and give a wonderful flavour.




Within the last month I have cooked a number of BBQ’s with the smoker box. Living in a apartment on ground floor has possibly been a little too much for my neighbours, the smoke making its way up towards the higher apartments, surprisingly no complaints yet, possibly as a result of the great aroma. The best tip I can give is to make sure the flame is on its highest and the box is directly over the flame, let it heat up for no less than 10 minutes prior to cooking. Once you see lots of smoke, begin putting on your favourite meats. The best smokey flavour I had produced was when you are cooking towards the closing stages, then when your food is nearly cooked, turn the flames off and leave the food inside with the smoker box and BBQ hood closed. You will notice extreme amounts of smoke after turning the flames off. This is how the meat can absorb extra amounts of smokey flavour. Yummy, even my girlfriend commented on how terrific the mushrooms turned out with the smokey flavour. There was one problem, I smelt like I had smoked 2 packets of cigarettes or had just returned from camping.


Ziegler & Brown Handle Mount BBQ Light

This accessories was also a gift and it is very handy indeed considering I like to cook in the night. This accessory speaks for itself and has two separate lights with individual on/off switch. It attaches to the grill handle. The only issue I find is that it does move a little which can be annoying, but much better than trying to use you phone light.

I highly recommend the Ziegler & Brown BBQ cover which has been great, it is well made and will protect your BBQ from the elements.




Cleaning can be a little difficult getting under the Z&G burners, I use a steam cleaner, then go over it with a cloth and a eco-friendly Non-Caustic cleaner.

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed my view on a great BBQ the Ziegler & Brown Twin Grill. If you have any experience with BBQ's and agree or disagree let me know in the comments.

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