2018-01-12: Delicious Steaks, High Stakes


Cash: 10.7%
Core: 77.0%
Explore: 12.3%
Workout: None
Alcohol: Sam Adams Winter Lager


Fired up the grill tonight, I had 3 ribeye steaks so tried out 2 methods:

  1. High Direct Heat - this is how I've typically cooked steaks in the past, usually just get the grill as hot as possible and cook a one inch steak 5-6 minutes per side for medium rare. It came out tasty, but...
  2. Reverse Sear - I got this idea from J. Kenji Lopez-Alt at Serious Eats, and it basically turns the process around. . . cook the steak indirectly at a lower temperature for a longer time to heat evenly, and then sear with high heat at the end. It was a bit tricky to pull off with 2-burner Weber grill, but the results were great:


Next time I'll be trying it with a thicker cut of steak, and maybe use the Big Green Egg to really sear the shit of out of it at 700F. Speaking of the BGE, I'll be doing Kalua Pork and Pulled Beef tomorrow. Stay tuned...

Bonus Thoughts

Note to self. . . when transferring a steak from grill to plate, it's important to use a plate large enough to hold all the steaks while also leaving room for your hand. Otherwise this happens:


I'm guessing 2nd degree, so I'll live ;-)

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