Dried Fruit Cake, Recipe and Photo Shoot


This is the simplest and healthiest cake in the world, and I can't describe how tasty it is. Nuts and dried fruits, some jam and some chocolate. No dairy products, and no oil.


For this delicious cake you will need:
1 and a half cup warm water
6 tablespoons strawberry jam
10 tablespoons sugar or honey
15 oz flour
2 tablespoons dried red huckleberries
6 oz dark chocolate (melted)
5 tablespoons ground walnuts
5 tablespoons ground hazelnuts
some cinnamon
1 tablespoons baking soda
half a teaspoon baking powder
the zest of one lemon
the zest and the juice from one orange
5 tablespoons dates
5 tablespoons dried apricots
5 tablespoons raisins
1 cup apricot jam

Preheat the oven at 350 F

With an electric mixer mix well the strawberry jam with the water and the sugar. When everything is well blended we add the lemon and the orange zest and the orange juice.
Then add the cinnamon and the red huckleberries.

In a separate bowl mix the flour with the baking soda and the baking powder. Add the flour to the flour to the other ingredients spoon by spoon, while mixing it.


Turn the mixer off and we add the raisins, the dates, the dried apricots and the walnuts.

Pour the mixture in a baking pan and bake in at 350 F for 25-30 minutes.

After it's baked, leave it to cool for ten minutes and then spread the apricot jam on top.



Cover it with the ground hazelnuts and decorate with melted chocolate.

And enjoy!




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