
Sate merupakan daging yang ditusuk lagu dibakar, supaya rasa sate lebih enak, para pedagang sate biasanya menambahkan bumbu kacang dan lontang.
Sate ada beberapa macam, ada sate kambing, sate lembu, sate ayam dan sate kerang.
Sate begitu populer di Indonesia karena harganya terjangkau, bisa dibilang sate sudah jadi ikon negara Indonesia.
Penjual sate sangat mudah kita temui, karena tiap kota di Indonesia pasti ada penjual sate, dan untuk menemukan penjual sate sangat lah mudah karena saat sate dibakar, pasti bau akan menyebar kemana-mana.
Harga sate tidaklah mahal kita cuma merogoh kocek 10.000 ribu rupiah saja, dengan begitu kita sudah dapat satu bungkus sate.
Di Indonesia ada beberapa sate yang sangat terkenal sebut saja seperti sate padang, sate madura dll.


Sate is the meat stabbed by the song burned, so that the satay is better, the satay traders usually add peanut and spicy condiments.
Sate has several kinds, there are goat satay, satay, chicken satay and satay scallops.
Sate is so popular in Indonesia because of its affordable price, it is arguable that the satay has become the icon of Indonesia.
Sate sellers are very easy to find, since each city in Indonesia is sure to have satay sellers, and to find a satay seller is very easy because when the satay is baked, it will definitely spread everywhere.
The price of the satay is not expensive we only spend around 10,000 rupiahs, so we have one bag of satay.
In Indonesia there are some famous satay known as satay padang, sate madura etc.

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