The Prickly Pineapple's Guacamole Dip

There Probably Won't Be Leftovers


My husband is quite a bit older than I am, and before we got hitched, he was a single dad that did a ton of cooking for his son and 3 foster kids. My dad never cooked very much when I was growing up, so suddenly I was living with this wonderful man who cooked amazing, delectable things. Hawaiian and Chinese cuisine were definitely not on the menu in my childhood home, yet my husband's whipped up global inspired dishes with ease.


That said, last night was game night and we always have some comestibles to munch on as we proceed to annihilate each other both in tabletop gaming and in the smack talking arena. We had decided on Frito nachos, which is a short way of saying that you place nacho fixings on top of Frito corn chips. I whipped up some taco meat, re-fried beans, and homemade pico de gallo. While I was prepping the layers of nacho goodness, my husband proceeded to make his guacamole dip. In between stirring and chopping, I decided to chronicle his green dip of taste bud heaven construction and try to capture the recipe for you all, as until this point there wasn't really a recipe with actual ingredient amounts.


I have to admit it was quite a bit of fun annoying my Prickly Pineapple as he tried to compose his guac dip. There were sighs of impatient toleration as I snapped pictures of him peeling and slicing the avocado, and I am pretty sure that I still have green onion tops in my hair. The scallion ammo was thrown at me for no reason, as I would never irritate anyone, especially my big Hawaiian hubs, while they were attempting to complete a task.😇


Anyway, I did my best at capturing the amounts of each of the ingredients that encompass the dip. You might have to add a little more Worcestershire here or lime juice there to get it just right to your tastes, but I can guarantee you, one you get to taste level guac-awesome, the bowl of green yum will evaporate like the morning dew.


Hope you all enjoy!!

The Prickly Pineapple's Guacamole Dip

1 large or two small avocados
1 8 ounce package of cream cheese (softened)
1 clove minced garlic or 1/2-1 teaspoon powdered garlic
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 Tablespoon lime juice
4-5 finely chopped scallions (green onions)
1 teaspoon cumin
salt and pepper to taste
*Optional: 1/2 bunch chopped cilantro and/or 1 chopped tomato

  1. Peel and remove the pit from the avocado, smash it and the cream cheese together well.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients, stir and tweak if necessary. We usually find that just a touch more Worcestershire, lime juice, or salt and pepper is needed. You'll find your magical level of guac happiness, and it is very important to have a bag of chips handy, for you need to test the dip quite a few times before you let anyone else partake in it!


*We usually eat the dip with pico de gallo or homemade salsa, so a lot of the time we skip adding the cilantro and tomato, but other times we throw it in, either way the dip is amazing!

And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's lime juice splashed and cilantro scented iPhone.

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