Portuguese tart tries to kill me


I've been told I'm hard to kill - I'm still alive so I can only agree...But I think that maybe the company Director is trying to kill me...With Portuguese tarts. Sure, not a bad way to go but I still have some unfinished business on this planet so I'm going to have to decline.

A couple of times a week the Director comes in with a tray of Portuguese tarts, still warm from the baker. He looks at me with that, you better not dare say fucken no face, and holds out the cardboard box-tray. I decline citing the fact I'm diabetic, well-maintained sure but still diabetic, but he simply says, come on, one won't kill you.

Yeah maybe, but two every week might you pelican!

Ok I get it...I could give him a hard no...But if you've ever tasted one of these things warm from the bakery you'd know that's simply not humanly possible.

A Portuguese tart is basically a vanilla custard tart, but different. It's from Portugal. But the differences don't stop there. Apparently in Portugal they are called pastéis de nata (pasteis de Belem?) and date back to the 18th century and a monastery in Jeronimos, Belem near Lisbon. Please don't quote me on this, my research could be wrong.

I love custard tarts...Like a lot, and the English version is legit. But the Portuguese version is equally good, just different-good. It's made with puff pastry instead of a crust pastry and is sprinkled with cinnamon and not nutmeg. Subtle differences maybe, but vastly different tastes. Both legit.

Anyway, whilst I'm a man of great discipline and fortitude these little fucken tarts call my name, beckon to me with their wanton ways and I find them hard to refuse. I blame the company Director for making them available...And trying to kill me. I blame the Portuguese tarts for trying to kill me too...After all, who else could be to blame?

I wonder...Is there a food you simply can't refuse? Just for the record I refused once last week and hated myself for it and still regret it...Anyway, let me know if your boss or someone at work brings snacks and you can't resist but eat them. Maybe you're that person! Maybe you know the history of the Portuguese tart and can enlighten me or maybe you just want to give me a lecture about type-2 diabetes and sugar. Maybe you just want to downvote my post and leave a nasty comment - Or just think one. Either way, below is for comments and the little downvote arrow is there too, if that's your trip.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

That's my tart image, not your tart

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