**Food and HealthyLifestyle**|Banana(Musa acuminata): The fruit you need!

**Banana (Musa acuminata):The Fruit that you need!!!**

Bananas are slightly curved, elongated edible fruits with a fleshy outer peel that can easily be remove to expose the white to yellow flesh. They grow in clusters with wide range of colors such as green, red, yellow and brown (when ripe)

 **Key Facts about Bananas** 

  •  Bananas are one of the world’s most sought after fruits and they are in high demand all over the world
  •  Bananas contain high antioxidants components which can provide protection from  free radicals 
  •  Bananas are good source of fiber and potassium 
  • Bananas helps in reducing weight, obesity, curing intestinal disorders and relieving constipation  
  • Bananas can be eaten in different form depending on your taste. It can be eaten raw, It can be processed in to juice , salad , soothies and many more 

**Health Benefits of Banana*

Banana has so many interesting health benefits, they include the following: 

**Heart Health (Low Blood pressure)**

Bananas are good source of potassium which helps in reducing blood pressure by relieving the tension on arteries and veins. Potassium is a mineral electrolyte that keeps charges flowing throughout your body, which is important to keep the heart beating.

**Digestion and weight loss**

Bananas are rich source of dietary fiber which has been linked to several health benefits, especially better digestion. Dietary fiber smooth bowel movements and the roughage soothe thereby getting rid of constipation. Bananas do not have any fat, the roughage inhibits the release of the hunger hormone,(Ghrelin). This will prevent over-eating and also help in weight loss.

**Prevents Kidney Disorders**

Bananas are made of potassium and several antioxidants which ease the strain on kidney and even encourage urination thereby reducing the situation of accumulation of toxin in the system. 

Get Rid of Menstrual Problems

Cooked banana flower gives relief from painful and excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle. It reduces other menstrual distress

Solution to Depression and Mood

Bananas are high in tryptophan which the body converts to serotonin, the mood-elevating brain neurotransmitter. Tryptophan has sleep-inducing properties.

**Improves Vision**

Bananas are very rich with antioxidants and carotenoids which are very important to good sight

**Cures Diabetes**

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber which is suitable for either type-1 or type-2 diabetics.

**Prevents colon cancer**

Due to high fiber contents of the bananas, this help to bulk up the stool and stimulate the body’s peristaltic motion, which facilitates bowel movements through the intestinal tract. This can help to prevent colo-rectal cancer.

** Nutritional Benefits**

Bananas are made up of several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Potassium, vitamin C, catechin and resistant starch are among the healthy nutrient in bananas.

Side Effects of Eating Banana

Eating banana may have some side effects like:

  • Due to its high potassium level, certain medicines made for heart disease and hypertension possess the ability to raise potassium levels in the body. If it is combined with consumption of banana it could lead to overshooting of potassium in the body.
  • People that are allergic to bananas may experience itching, swelling, hives and wheezing in the throat.
  • Those who tend to have migraine attack are advised not to take more than half a banana a day.
  • Due to high fiber content consuming too many bananas may lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

How to eat your Banana 

  •  It can be taken raw, all you need to do is to remove the peel 
  • You can add banana in cakes and cookies 
  • Ripe mashed bananas can serve as replacement for oil and butter in cooking baked goods. 
  •  Add frozen bananas to your smoothies for a delicious flavor 

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