It's hard to beat a nice plate of pasta. 🍝

Unless you add a side of chickenless parm!!

There's no harm in mixing olive oil into your tomato sauce, so I like to fry the patties in oil and then just pour the sauce into the pan. Then I top it with Italian seasoning and a little bit of non-dairy cheese.

Often I'll put a bay leaf in there too, but today I didn't.

Then lower the heat and put a lid on top and give the cheese an opportunity to melt.

When it was all finished it looked like this:

My tomato sauce is "meh" for the price.

"Michael's of Brooklyn". It's perfectly good, but Rao's is better, easily.

I posted before that I avoid Rao's until it's on sale for $4.99. It was on sale for $6.99 so, you know, it was in the ballpark of where you start to consider it. And it jogged me in the direction of buying a higher end sauce, but I felt like I wanted to try something different, to see if Rao's really holds up or what.

It held.

Michael's is fine but Rao's is king. Michael's could maybe be described as "droopy" by comparison. It's thinner and becomes runny on your plate, whereas Rao's sits up perky and full.

Michael's is fresh and clean and seems every bit worthy of its higher pricing but, meh, it's just no Rao's.

After all: If it was as good as Rao's they may have just named it Michael's and left the gimmick out of it.

I can't say for sure that I won't try it again. I might try one of their other varieties. In general tho I'd rather buy generic sauce and save my bullets for Rao's.

this is not a paid advertisement, but if Rao's is listening they should hit me up 😎

(If Michael's is listening, boy is my face red.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday evening and that we all slide into a very nice weekend.

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