Avocado and its benefits.

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Avocados are a rich source of essential fatty acids, but the health benefits of it stem from many important nutritional properties. Avocado is a fruit belonging to the Lauracae family, along with other flowering plants such as camphor, cinnamon or bayonet, the pulp and the specific flavor of avocado make it similar to oleaginous fruits such as nuts and seeds. The scientific name of the fruit is Persea Americana, the avocado fruit becomes dark green or dark purple when it is baked, and inside it has a brown marigold. Each fruit weighs around 300-700 grams, scientists have discovered in the study of the benefits of avocado fruit that they have a protective role against cardiovascular disease, help control body weight and improve the body's ability to Absorb into the optimal parameters the important nutrients in the food, very important to know ..

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Specialists recommend to those who follow a low protein diet to replace them by eating more healthy fats found in avocados, an avocado fruit contains about 22.5 g of fat, two thirds of which are monounsaturated beneficial to health , an important quality of avocado fruit is that it contains very little fructose associated with the predisposition to fattening and about 20 essential nutrients such as fiber, potassium in a double amount compared to bananas, vitamin E, the vitamin B complex and folic acid in the context of the large number of substances that promote the health of the body, it is easy to understand why avocado fruits have such a long list of benefits once they are introduced into the diet have strong antioxidant properties, helping to prevent the triggering of various types of cancer.- have the ability to protect the liver against cirrhosis and viral hepatitis, according to Japanese researchers coordinated in a study by Professor Hirokazu Kawagishi - contain certain compounds that inhibit and destroy oral cancer cells, help raise good cholesterol levels in the body's HDL and reduce LDL damage as well as reduce blood triglycerides , maintain the health of the cardiovascular system by the content of vitamin-B6 and folic acid, two substances that regulate compound homocysteine ​​associated with an increased risk of heart disease, as it contains vitamin E, glutathione and monounsaturated fats, avocado fruit protects the heart and sustains activity cardiac, regulates high blood pressure, rich potassium content, protects the healthy cells of the body from free radicals, phytonutrients provide polyphenols and flavonoids, so they reduce the risk of developing inflammatory and degenerative diseases, improve vision with carotenoid called lutein, stops degene macular rash associated with aging and cataracts, regulates blood glucose levels and controls diabetes, reducing insulin resistance of the body, healthy fat and soluble fiber content, prevents congenital malformations such as neural tube defects or spina difida, thanks to the folic acid supplied from the body 250 g avocado per day provides pregnant women with 23% of the daily recommended folic acid dose, reduces the risk of stroke, also by the content of folic acid (studies have shown that this substance has been shown to be useful in preventing cerebrovascular complications, preventing prostate and breast cancer, as they are rich in oleic acid, a compound that inhibits safety, the development of malignant tumors in the two organs, and delaying the body's aging process by antioxidants in the composition, especially glutathione, which strengthens the immune system, protects the cells and balances the functions of the nervous system and combats the halen, cleans the intestinal system and regulates the amount of toxins in the body as well as removing the dry mouth phenomenon, increase the body's ability to absorb important nutrients for sight and skin health, especially carotenoids betacarotene and lycopene, treat various dermatological conditions, It also frightens the skin and hair, giving them brilliance and vitality, so avocados are also used in many cosmetic masks, helping underweight people grow healthy and harmonious in weight, 100 grams of avocados contain 200 calories, and helping the development of muscle tissue and not that of fatty tissue, maintain the digestive system's health, insoluble fiber content 75% and soluble 25% insoluble fiber cleans the colon and prevents constipation and colorectal cancer, while soluble ones regulate appetite (prolonging the feeling of satiety more than other foods, increase bone density, rich in vitamin K, so prevent osteoporosis and help the baby's bone system to develop optimally. We must introduce this miraculous fruit into the children's menu, speed up metabolism due to the vitamin complex B, prevent memory loss and accelerate mental illness in patients diagnosed with Alzheimer because they are a rich source of vitamin E substance that neutralizes free radicals that destroy brain cells and stimulate the process of protein synthesis .....


Avocados can also be eaten as dessert in different recipes of cookies or protein shakes prepared in the blender. thank you for your support. a miraculous and healthy fruit for the human body ....


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