An ancient breakfast, which gives life to new energy by correcting the functions of the body


The medicine of the occupation and the need for every human being to be held in the grip. In this context, the person says that people who have cure, milk can not digest, intestinal movements are slow, in the body Slim and cheaper and they are more likely to be less common, and there is a problem of blood pressure, such people should spend eleven almonds in the night (Abd al-'Ayam alam, because they contain pigs), and in the morning as a breakfast kushash Use a small leaf of milk with milk leaf, fifteen days later, the natural function of their intestines will start and the energy in the body. It will take effect, the occupation will begin to end, and the blood pressure will remain normal. This breakfast brings body tremors. This prescription is being used from ancient times. There are sleep problems for arrows. Is the treatment

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