All Hail Kale


I am making an educated prediction that cabbage market is going to have a boom in the coming weeks. No not because it’s a much used vegetable in Russian cooking, but because it’s cheap. You better invest now!

Maybe it doesn’t translate but in Finland we have jokes about cabbage being poor people food. I just checked the oil and gas prices and they have doubled in a couple months, so we about to be real poor real soon here. Heating the house and water in winter in Finland is now incredible expensive if you are lucky to live in a house that uses oil, like I am.

Because of Russia, we’re all fucked even before the war is at our doorsteps because the monetary effects can be felt everywhere in Europe. I don’t think the average person realises what goes into having food in the grocery store shelves, not until the price of most things doubles in a short period of time and the stores have to explain why.

Luckily I have a man that hunts, there is no shortage of water in Finland, I can make wool clothing and summer is coming. We’ll survive.

Maybe I’ll start posting a series of 101 cheap foods, most of which will be potato and cabbage heavy…

First up is one of my all time favourite Finnish foods, the cabbage casserole, a very Slavic type of food; cheap and simple but delicious.

The dish consists of cabbage, carrots, onions, barley and ground beef, seasoned with beef bouillon and suryp (important), served with lingonberries (very important). The amount and quality of ground beef is dependant on how much money you have allocated for food that week. I made a huge patch last week and stashed a small casserole in the freezer while we ate the bigger one in a couple days. I’m still pissed at hubby for eating the last portion, I might just eat the one from the freezer all by myself.


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