My Dinner - A Fruit Platter 水果拼盘

Yesterday I received a box of fruit, which my friend mailed from Guangdong.The fruit in the box is the passion fruit, also known as the egg fruit, which is in the subtropical zone.Passion fruit has yellow and purple two kinds of color, what I receive is purple.Passion fruit contains a lot of beneficial substances on the human body, but also known as "king of VC" in fruit, unique taste.
I've been taking weight recently, and I'm going to have a light dinner,So I made a fruit platter instead of dinner.
Have a look at my dinner picture!

I hope you will enjoy them.

昨天我收到了一箱水果,是朋友远从广东邮寄过来的。箱子里装的水果是百香果,也称作鸡蛋果,产于亚热带。百香果有黄色和紫色两种,我收到的是紫色。百香果含有很多对人体有益物质,更被称为水果中的VC之王,口感独特, 最近在控制体重,晚餐要吃的清淡,我做了一个水果拼盘代替晚餐。看看我的晚餐图片吧!希望你会喜欢.

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