My frozen breakfast burritos for busy mornings

Hi guys. I hope you all liked my previous post. This time I am going to be making breakfast burritos. The idea is you make them in bulk, wrap them in foil, bag 'em and put them in the freezer for early mornings. That way all you have to do is unwrap them and put them in the microwave for ~1 minute on each side and have a filling breakfast on your way out the door.

The Recipe is a bit more free-form this go around. It is really based on personal preferences, but there are a few base items to add:

  • 12 eggs
  • large flour tortillas (10 count works for me) note: do not use whole wheat like I did, they split really easily.
  • some form of meat or substitute (1 lb is usually good)
  • frozen spinach (a go to for me, can be replaced to your tastes)
  • cheese of your choice
  • a seasoning mix/ spices if you choose
  • S&P

Keep in mind this is pretty fluid so work with what you've got/ what is on sale at the grocery store. For me, the uncased pork sausages are always really cheap and are not stuffed with additives.

My ingredients looked like this:

Cooking Time

  • preheat a pan and cut meat into small pieces ( if you are working with a ground meat skip this step). Depending on the meat you use, you may need to add some oil to the pan. If you go with a sausage like mine, it has enough fat so that won't be necessary.

  • add your meat to the pan and cook through while breaking it up with a spatula (for my sausage mix it was about 7 minutes). You may wish to add some garlic at this stage. I did not as the spicy sausage flavorful was enough for me

  • thaw your frozen veggie or cook it however you choose to (I aint your mom)

  • crack your eggs into the pan and mix it into a scramble

  • squeeze out as much liquid as you can from the veggies and toss to combine with the rest of the scramble

  • cook until the eggs are fully set. At this time you may add as much cheese as you would like. Pro tip: it's not the best idea to put the cheese in too early as it can burn onto the pan and be tough to clean off.

This is what mine looked like at this point:


  • tear sheets of foil, lay a tortilla on top. Scoop a reasonable amount of filling into it and spread it out kinda like so:


experiment with how much filling until you can roll it up and tuck the ends in to hold the filling. Wrap the foil around it and fold/twist the ends shut.

  • Rinse and repeat for the remaining filling and tortillas.

All that's left to do is take the little foil rolls, pop them into a plastic bag and freeze them. To prepare one, all you need to do is unwrap it and microwave it on a plate for 1 min on each side. These are really tasty and a perfect quick grab breakfast option that is much more fulling and sustains you for longer than a the average breakfast options. Try it for yourself and let me know what meats you used!

See you all in the next one!

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