Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 02 #4: Delicious Homemade Mixed Berry Crisp

Hello everyone! This is my entry for the Steemit Iron Chef competition this week! My love of fruits makes this a good time for me to jump into my first SIC contest!

This week's mystery item was revealed to be berries,so I decided to create a crisp using fresh strawberries, blueberries and lime which come together to create unforgettable flavors for your palette.

• Juice of one lime
• Sugar
• Flour
• Sliced Almonds
• Butter
• Cinnamon
• Fresh Strawberries (sliced)
• Fresh Blueberries
• Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

One More Thing
Last step was plating the warm crisp with a scoop of vanilla bean low fat ice cream.

This entry was fun and quick to produce! I am looking forward fo the future of Steemit Iron Chef.

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