haw to create Laddu

Besan usually we used to make crypto batteries but it can also be an extraordinary laddoo which once tastes taste in the face. Gesti is used in the trading system. But you can use soybean or butter if you want. There is not much difference in taste.

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Bason- 2 cups
Egg Sugar - 1 cup
Ghee / butter / soybean oil - 1/2 cups
Wood nut and almonds - by 3-4
Nutmeg or gram flour - 1/2 teaspoon

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Step 1

A dried nonstick pan with a light hitting large granular beans (it is better to break the groundnut because the packets are more refined, they will not be crumpled.) It is about 10 minutes to stir with 2 cups.
Step 2

If the groundnut becomes a little fried then mix it with ghee / butter or soybean oil. The traditions are swirled.
Step 3

Now you will have to burn a dough constantly, do not burn very light hits.
Step 4

Add nut and nutmeg / cardamom powder.
Step 5

After fry for about 15 to 20 minutes, the mixture will be slightly wet after drying. If oil, butter or ghee is a little more then it will be dense like Hulu. Or a little dry will be dry. It can be done in both ways.
Step 6

If the smell of fried groundnut spreads around the oven, it will have to be removed from the stove. If the groundnut is not cooked well then it remains a raw odor, so the mixture should be fried properly.
Step 7

To be kept cold for a while.
Step 8

When the temperature decreases a bit, the sugar will be mixed with a bow or spoon.
Step 9

Then, after mixing the palm of the two hands with a little ghee, the size of the mixture will be shaped. One hand can also be made by clamping down, which is the convenience.
Step 10

Serve after frying or refrigerate. Basano Laddu is very interesting to eat.
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