The meal ,It is made of lamb intestines.

The Turkish Kokorec is basically lamb intestines,wrapped around sweetbreads on skewer and grilled horizontally over the charcoal fire. its hard to prepare the preparation is harsh.when you think of all the intestines,which needs to be cleaned thoroughly!


You can find kokorec being prepared on the small eateries,but the real kokorec is prepared on wheeled carts.the thick skewer is being grilled slowly on charcoal fire,ready to be cut and chopped coarsely,grilled more while you watch the fat melts and the bubbling sounds fill your ear and smell makes you crazy...then some salt,oregano is sprinkled on top and,put some cumin and spicy chili flakes.Followed by filling in the bread that has been heating up on the skewer ,then wrapped in paper and get ready to lost yourself in this delicious meal.

After eating it you can not resist the cruchy,chewy delightful meaty taste.

Bon appetita!

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