Check it out! Raw vegan nori rolls

It’s the first official Monday of the New Year. I always “start fresh on Monday’s” but this Monday is extra special. Technically a week starts anew on Sunday, but we are so use to Sunday’s ending our week, we look at Monday as the beginning. Monday’s are the day where the majority is back to work, school is in full swing, and people are getting back to the hustle and grind of the week. But today is special because it sets the tone for the rest of the year, in my opinion. Whatever intentions or resolutions you’ve set for yourself, today is the day to start your new beginning or journey. Keep your word to yourself and hold yourself accountable.
So whether your resolutions are to be more patient, lose more weight, practice yoga, then today is the day to begin that. We had all weekend to dilly dally and relax after all the holiday cheers and beers. But today…today’s the day people to start it off right. We can leave the past in the past and move on into the future.

For me, my resolutions or intentions are to be patient, stay organized, let go of personal troubles, negative people, meditate (which I’ve not been committed to), and eat a more raw plant based diet. What goals have you set for this year? It’s nice right to start off on a clean slate, it gives me a sense of ease and relief that we all get to have a fresh start.
I want you to look at these days as not just regular days but days that you can make adjustments and changes. The magic happens outside of your comfort zone so go for your dreams and waste no more time. I know that’s so cliche but it’s totes true. You cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome. It’s like reading the same book twice, the ending doesn’t change. Ok I’m going to say it…Be the change you want to see in the world. That in itself is monumental. You can make small changes that make big differences. Have good intentions, love yourself, and others.

So now with all that said, lets move onto what are these Raw Veggie Nori Rolls because as a promise to myself, more raw fruits and veggies will be in my life and in your life.
I’m not saying you have to go fully raw, but I would suggest always eating your raw veggies or fruit first before any meal. Wait 20 minutes and then eat your proteins, healthy fats, or cooked food. When you think about it, it makes so much sense right?! Point is we want to remove the gunk so that when you drink a large smoothie or eat a beautiful salad full of nourishing greens, your body will reap the benefits in full affect.

If you’re a sushi lover, you will L💚VE these. You can make them with rice, brown rice, quinoa, and my favorite, cauliflower rice because you can eat that raw also. You can add any veggies you like, for instance I love the combo of just cucumber and avocado but I also love all the vegetables I added in the rolls you see here. I used all 7 nori sheets that come in a pack, placed them on the counter, poured some Bragg Liquid Aminos (a healthy sub to soy sauce) in a bowl, and my son and hubs completely enjoyed them. I can literally eat all of them by myself in one sitting and guess what, I wouldn’t even feel bad about it and why??? Well because duuuh, it’s all VEGGIES!!!
You don’t have to be a master sushi roller to make these either. I don’t even use the bamboo to help me roll, I just spread some hummus across a nori sheet, place the veggies in the middle, and roll it up. I seal it with a bit more of hummus (a little messy but nothing cray), cut one to two inch thick slices, and viola, you got yourself a roll. If they don’t come out perfect that’s ok because you can eat them no matter what. I eat nori sheets alone, that’s how much I love the flavor. Not to mention how good they are for you. Like on an amazeballs level.

Nori is a sea vegetable, a form of seaweed. It is high in protein (I know right), loads of fiber (um hello), the best plant source of iodine and most people in this country are iodine deficient, hence the increasing amount of people suffering from hyperthyroidism, impressive contents of potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins C, E, and K.

Healthy sushi rolls made with an array a raw veggies so you can eat the rainbow!

1 package of Nori Sheets
2 large carrots, cut in half and sliced thin
1 cucumber, cut in half and sliced thin
1 head of purple cabbage, shredded
2 cups spinach (more or less as desired)
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 avocado, sliced lengthwise
1 cup hummus, (more or less as desired)


Take a nori sheet and spread some hummus all over it, leaving a little room around the edges.
Place veggies in the center, carrots, cucumber, red pepper, avocado, spinach, and cabbage.
Roll up as tightly as you can and cut into 1 or 2 inch slices. Repeat process for all sheets.
Literally that's it, how easy and amazingly amaze for you, Enjoy!

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