Ulog #117: American Invention - American Cheese

One of the staples on cheeseburger is obviously, the cheese. But not just any cheese. It has to be one of the great inventions, American slice cheese.

It really isn't pure cheese as it has additives to make it last longer but nonetheless, it taste good and the perfect pairing to any burger.


You can do all sorts of things with American slice cheese asides from burgers such as grilled cheese sandwiches or even use it to melt and make a cheese sauce that can be used on macaroni and cheese or a cheese dip.

Recently we got an amazing offer that got us around 1k slices of cheese as a bargain. We've started packing them into aluminium wraps and selling them wholesale to our customers at the food truck.

These in the picture aren't American made though. They're from Australia and they taste the same anyways so why not?

We're letting them go at RM10 for 20 slices. That's a pack worth. So that's around like 2.50 USD for 20 slices. Not sure how much they are actually going for in the States but here, that's a really great deal.

If you're around this area and would like to get some cheese, just give me a buzz and I'll hook you up to some of them dairy goodness in a square.

You can check out for more info at our Facebook page on our operation days and times or if you just plain like to see burger pictures :D

You can also find us on Instagram #burgergilerpower


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