Ulog #113: Purple Sweet Potato and Potato Fries

A few weeks back my wife went to the hospital to get induced to give birth to my 2nd son. While she was away, I was taking care of dinner for myself and my 1st son who just turn 4 this week.

One of his favorite food are fries. And the fries that he knows are those from fast food places like McDonalds's, Burger King, Texas Chicken and KFC.

Asides from these kindda fast food frozen fries, he has never eaten hand-cut fries asides from once when he was about 2 years old he ate sweet potato fries and loved it. I remembered that and decided to make some at home for him. We also had some leftover sweet potato lying around the house so I needed to use it as well before it turned bad.


He has never eaten the purple sweet potato so I wasn't sure if he'd like it. So I made some regular potato fries as well just in case.

He liked them both and seem to prefer the purple one.

I however actually screwed the fries up as I oven baked them and it was it the oven way too long thus making it really hard and crispy which I wasn't intending for it to be.

Anyway, it still had it's sweetness I guess that was its saving grace.

I'll definitely wanna try it out again and might wanna use this on my food truck as well. The only difficult part of doing this in large batches is the prep. But definitely will do this again at home for my family and my son.

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