So Yesterday My Son Made Me Supper!

Lemme tell you folks, when your son decides to make supper, let him!

I was working in the garden and Iain, my eldest (19), popped out and said, "I feel like eating seafood. Lobster or do we have any crab?"

I looked at him, making a face, and said "You're S.O.L. (shit outta luck), Buddy.

He went back into the house and returned to the back door, triumphant. "We've got scallops!"

"You need any help?"

"Nope. I got this!"

So, while I continued sweating in the garden, some magic was happening in the kitchen. I have to tell you, I am a more-than-average cook (no shame in admitting one's talents) so I am totally taking all the credit for his cooking skills... Must be my genes. Never mind that his father taught him how to make breakfast at 7 - the whole shebang: how to bake the frozen potato hash browns, setting the timer to flip, cook the bacon, fry the eggs. Anyway. Okay. He got it from both sides.

Head pops out the back door again. "How do I make a white sauce?"

"What for?"

"The scallops."

"Um. Really?"

"Yeah, Mom. For the pasta."

"Oooohhhh... " I admit, I was worried that he was going to drown the scallops in some kind of béchamel sauce but no, the scallops were going ON the pasta! Gave him the recipe and back into the house he popped.


Isn't that beeeea-u-ti-ful? Bacon, scallops, white sauce... what's not to love? And, he took a page from his grandmother and mother. Feed 'em late and starve 'em, they'll eat anything! Was about 9:30 p.m. by the time we ate.

"We eat late like the rich, eh Mom?"

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