A christmas in Venezuela

well, i'm sure the people knows what's the economy situation in Venezuela, where people minimal salary is 4 or 5 dollars, its hard, i'm also from Venezuela, my name is Carlos, im 18 years old, i dont work in jobs like assistant, cashier, or cooker cuz it doesn't give the monthly pay that i deserve, i work as a freelancer graphic designer in a website called fiverr, where i got some clients and get a bit high salary than my own country and exchanging that to bolivares give me a little bit more to buy food and things, in Venezuela as another country we have christmas, that's something where you are with your family or friends in a christmas eve, we have some traditional christmas food here in Venezuela Called hallaca, pan de jamon (ham bread), or ham, and to buy or cook them require kind of 3 or 4 $, if you see, the cost of each one of them except for the hallaca, has that price and it's almost the same as our minimal salary, and not everyone in Venezuela is having a merry christmas or eating traditiona christmas food this month or this eve christmas




i would like you readers, to go out and give food to the homeless people this eve christmas and wish them a merry christmas, if you are from venezuela and you are able to do this despite the economy situation, do it, you will feel better making happy to someone this christmas day, thanks for reading this, have a merry christmas guys

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