The Moroccan tajine with vegetables and beef:

I hope everyone having a great day!

Today I will share with you the famous Moroccan dish, the Moroccan tajine with vegetables and beef, and for me it’s something necessary to cook it once time by week, I love it so much because the cooking in tajine is the most tasty and healthy.
For the vegetarians you can follow the same steps to prepare a vegan tajine without beef, and you can use any vegetables you like or which you keep in your fridge.

So I will start by the ingredients which I need to prepare this healthy dish:


  • beef

  • 5 medium onion

  • 2 tomatoes

  • coriander

  • 3 big potatoes

  • half calabash

  • 1 carrot

  • For the marinade we need:

  • paprika

  • turmeric powder

  • ginger powder

  • garlic paste

  • Black pepper

  • salt

  • olives oil

  • marinate all with half cup of water and keep it until you cut your vegetables.

  • Cut the onion and put it in the tagine.

  • add little spices (ginger+Paprika+ turmeric+ Black pepper + salt).

  • put the beef in the middle, I cooked it a bit in pressure cooker with the some spices because the beef in Mauritius take time to cook, if I put it directly will not cook.

  • I put the vegetables in the tajine and decorate it with coriander on the top.

  • put little the water in the tajine for not burn.
  • you have to check it every 15 minutes to add the water.

The Moroccan tajine is cooked!!!! It’s a yummy dish!!!!
If anyone wishes any advise on tajine cooking, just ask me in the comment section, i'll be happy to assist!

It was really tasty and I want you to give it try!

Have you ever tasted the Moroccan tajine ?

Bon Apetit my friends!

I hope you enjoy this little post same as I enjoyed eating this tajine!

Thanks so much for the usual support!

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