My Daughter and Mangosteen Fruit

Mangosteen is a fruit of tropical nature. Aceh, Sumatra is an area overgrown the mangosteen tree, 7 to 25 meters high. Contents of mangosteen fruit A taste of sweet sour and refreshing, but its skin is bitter.

The market price of mangosteen at Lhokseumawe, Aceh is 1.15 USD (15,000.00 IDR) per Kilogram

The University of Queensland Australia, published an article in the website with the title Research Bears Fruit for Schizophrenia Patients, on October 11, 2016, explain the development of research on the benefits of mangosteen fruit for health.

Researchers at The University of Queensland have begun clinical trials into whether an extract from a rare tropical fruit can help treat schizophrenia.

Queensland Brain Institute Professor John McGrath is conducting the trial into the role of mangosteens in easing symptoms of psychosis.

Previous research has indicated that the very potent antioxidants in mangosteen rind might provide a safe and effective treatment, with no side-effects.

“This is a gentle and safe intervention which evidence so far suggests could improve symptoms, and it’s important we investigate its potential as a matter of urgency,” Professor McGrath said.

“We aren’t suggesting this is a wonder drug, but we must investigate potential new treatments which are safe, effective and don’t have the current medication’s side-effects like weight gain, which can lead to other major health problems.

“Finding better treatments for schizophrenia is difficult, it will take decades, so let’s start now.” read more>>>

All photographs taken with a smartphone camera Xiaomi Redmi Note3

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