DID YOU KNOW WHAT?: The wine process

Today is monday of did you know what? well, lets talkaing about something taht the majority love, the wine, yes it is the wine is a product that we can consume all year but, the pincipal product of the wine "GRAPE" only can harvested on august. The elaboration process of this product is a little long and it can take months or years.

We can start asking what is wine? To be practical the wine is a destilled grape must but, how does it appear? it belives that the grapevine cultivvation exist since thousands of years ago and it made alcoholic beverages from the grape must fermentation by the action of the yeasts conteined in the skin and this process appear apparently in an accidental way. It was after years the production it began in consciously way in the old Mesopotamia.

Inthe market wine we can fouund red wine, white wine, sparkling wine and pink wine but we talk in general about the production, is not because the others are not important but talk about all this thins we would take all life, we have many details of which we can talk and we wouldn't finish. Everything bigins with the grape harvest, according to the wine it proceed to remove stems and don't add diferent flavors to the wine. Then in the red wine case it proceed to squeezed, crushing the grape to get the juice, the white grape pass to pressing after its harvest.


Source: vinosacra.es

Once the grape juice is obtained pass to the fermentation process, it means, let the sugar turn into alcohol by the action of the yeasts in the skin. All the process requires a lot of care and attention. the next step is the maceration, let rest the grape-juice with solid grape to get aroma and taste.

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Source: catadelvino.com

Then the wine needs to be cleaned, remove all the solid grape and filter it, after this is put inside of oak barrels. the wine breeding has some function one: brings taste, tow: brings oxigen and three: stabiliza the wine.


Source: catadelvino.com

Within the production we can found special features like fragances and this are presented in three categories:

Primary fragances: they appear when according to weather conditions, land type, etc. The fragances could be like a fruit, vegetables and herbal fragances.

Secondary fragances: are produced during the fermentation process and they provide us fragances like caramel, candies, bread and in some cases cheese.

Tertiary fragances: this fragances appear in the breeding process and bottled maturation and it could be like wood fragances, nuts and cowhide.

By the last after the breeding process the wine has to be bottled, consists in take the wine and putin inside the bottle and let it rest for a while for its later ditribution and consumption.

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Source: catadelvino.com

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