Boh usen (tradisional food)

Cake boh usen

Hallo steemian friend ... !!!
Start your day with a smile.

Usen boh cake is one of the most famous aceh cakes in Indonesia. Dry cake is often served when there are big events, such as: Idul Fitri holiday Idul Fitri and Idul Azha, traditional events and marriage.

this special cake is now forgotten by the people of Aceh itself because of modern civilization like today, but for the outsiders (Caucasians) this cake is in the search when they take a vacation to aceh.
very in pity in modern times this typical cake aceh disappeared like in the swallow earth.

Enough of my posts
hopefully in the future this cake can be recalled.

Hallo teman steemian ... !!!
Mulailah harimu dengan senyuman.

Kue Usen boh adalah salah satu kue aceh yang paling terkenal di Indonesia. Kue kering sering disajikan saat ada acara besar, seperti: Idul Fitri Idul Fitri dan Idul Azha, acara tradisional dan pernikahan.

Kue spesial ini kini dilupakan oleh masyarakat Aceh sendiri karena peradaban modern seperti sekarang ini, namun bagi orang luar (Kaukasia) kue ini sedang dalam pencarian saat mereka berlibur ke aceh.
Sangat disayangkan di zaman modern ini aceh kue khas lenyap seperti di bumi yang tertelan.

Cukup posting saya
Semoga di masa depan kue ini bisa di kenang.

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