Russian cabbage soup with porcini mushrooms


Today we will cook one of the variants of russian cabbage soup.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Difficulty: 2/10
Cooking time: 1.2 hrs.
Number of servings: 4


Soup with porcini mushrooms

  • Dried porcini mushrooms, 50 gr.
  • Cabbage, 1/2 head
  • Onion, 1 PC .
  • Ham 150 gr.
  • Prunes (optional), 8-10 PCs.
  • Carrots, 1 PC .
  • Black pepper and allspice
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt, vegetable oil (better unrefined)

Cabbage cut into small pieces, salt, mash hands, and leave alone .

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Boil two liters of water, load the mushrooms and cook for half an hour.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Ham cut into cubes. Peel and grate the carrots.
Onions cut and fry over high heat in a small amount of vegetable oil for 3 minutes.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Add carrots and fry for another three minutes:

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Add ham, reduce heat to medium and cook for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Remove the mushrooms (the broth not to pour out) and cut into pieces:

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Add the mushrooms in the pan to the carrot onion and ham and cook for five minutes.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Pepper crushed in a mortar or smash with a hammer through a napkin.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Add pepper and Bay leaf, cook on low heat for 15 minutes, strain.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Into the broth put the cabbage and cook until tender (depending on age — from 15 minutes to half an hour).

Load mushrooms with vegetables and ham, stir, salt, heat for 2 minutes and turn off the heat.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Prunes cut into small pieces and add to the pan.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Leave the soup alone for 15 minutes and can be served.

Soup with porcini mushrooms

Bon appetit!

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