Noodle typical native savory Aceh is a traditional cuisine with herbs and spices typical of Aceh. Noodle Aceh is a traditional dish typical of the province of Aceh, namely the city of Serambi Mecca is famous for its spicy, fresh and delicious, which was easy to make. Mie Aceh Recipe this time using goat meat, but if you do not like goats, this element may be replaced with beef or shrimp and crab. For those who live in Bandung can enjoy this aceh noodle in cottage shop Aceh, for those who live in other cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar and Bali, please make your own. Let's follow the simple recipe here.

Mie kuah khas Aceh asli gurih merupakan masakan tradisional dengan bumbu-bumbu dan rempah-rempah khas Aceh. Mie Aceh adalah hidangan tradisional khas provinsi Aceh yaitu kota Serambi Mekah yang terkenal dengan rasa pedas, segar dan lezat, yang ternyata mudah untuk dibuat. Resep Mie Aceh kali ini menggunakan daging kambing, tapi bila Anda kurang suka kambing, elemen ini boleh diganti dengan daging sapi maupun udang dan kepiting. Bagi yang tinggal di Bandung bisa menikmati mie aceh ini di Warung Kampung Aceh, bagi yang tinggal di kota lain seperti di Jakarta, Surabaya, malang, Denpasar bali dan medan, silakan bikin sendiri. Mari ikuti resep sederhananya di sini.*


Honestly when I was in this foyer city of mecca, I was embarrassed by local buyers, especially by the noodles of Aceh. Although it's just a joke laugh but I'm very shy hehehe 😁😃😄, because when I want to buy the noodles, I told the merchant was about to buy Aceh noodles, then with the words I threw to the merchant, the trader laughed, I feel confused why they all laughed, it turns out when I trace the noodle call Aceh is not in Aceh but only in areas outside Aceh .. hehehe I blushed made by the merchant. It turns out the nickname of Aceh noodles that I had liked in the area of ​​origin is created, the noodles are called wet noodles or dry noodles ... hahahahaha very strange name .. But I am very proud to be in Aceh ..

Jujur ketika saya berada di kota Serambi mekah ini, saya dibuat malu oleh pembeli setempat, khususnya oleh padangan mie Aceh tersebut. Walaupun itu hanya sekedar canda tawa tapi saya sangat malu hehehe 😁😃😄, karena ketika saya hendak membeli mie tersebut, saya mengatakan kepada pedagang tersebut hendak membeli mie Aceh, lantas dengan perkataan yang saya lontarkan kepada pedagang, pedagang tersebut tertawa, saya merasa bingung kenapa mereka semua tertawa, ternyata ketika saya telusuri panggilan mie Aceh itu tidak ada di Aceh tapi hanya di daerah luar Aceh.. hehehe saya tersipu malu dibuat oleh pedagang tersebut. Ternyata julukan mie Aceh yang selama ini saya sukai di daerah asalnya di ciptakan, mie tersebut dinamakan mie basah atau mie kering... hahahahaha nama yang sangat aneh.. Tapi saya sangat bangga berada di Aceh..


• 200 grams of mutton or beef
• 300 grams of large wet noodles, brewed hot water
• 4 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
• 3 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
• 1 tomato, cut into pieces
• 750 ml of water
• 300 ml of beef broth
• 50 grams of bean sprouts
• 50 grams of cabbage, thinly sliced
• 1 1/2 tablespoons of Sweet Ketchup
• 1/2 tablespoon salt
• 1 teaspoon of sugar
• 3 tablespoons oil for sauteing
• 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar
• 1 spring onion, cut 1 cm long
• 1 bay leaf

• 6 onions
• 4 cloves garlic
• 1 cardamom grain
• 4 pieces of regular red chilli, seeded
• 2 cm turmeric, burned
• 1/4 teaspoon cumin
• 1/2 teaspoon pepper white powder

• 3 cucumbers, seeded, cut into small pieces
• 1 teaspoon of sugar
• 1 teaspoon vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 100 grams of fried chips
• Fried onions to taste


  1. Boil goat meat and bay leaf in water. After maturing defecate. Cut into pieces. Set aside.
  2. Saute garlic, onion, and spices that have been smoothed until aromatic. Add the goat meat. Stir well.
  3. Add the tomatoes, toge, and cabbage Stir until wilted.
  4. Put sweet soy sauce, salt, granulated sugar, beef broth, and vinegar. Cook until soaked.
  5. Enter the noodles. Cook until well done. Towards the appointment, sprinkle leeks. Stir well.
  6. Serve the Aceh noodles with a complement of pickled cucumbers, fried emping and a sprinkling of fried onions.
  7. Serve for 3 servings.

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