my favorite food🍰🍴😍

I need you
As I breathe

I can live without you
But I can not help you

Man can not live without drinking
But humans always feel the need to eat

Not naive
Nor is greedy

Sipping carbohydrates, protein, and even fat does not matter
All need to eat
As everyone needs love

All need energy
Like living and eating

Some are trained for the sake of eating
There is a warring because of eating

Plants, animals, can become food
Spices can be processed
They come together to make sense

There are tasteless, bitter, sweet, salty, sour, whatever it is
In the beautiful racik touch the tongue

Delicious cuisine raises the scent
Enter the nose and activate saliva

Let's get you
You enjoy
Then you give value

How much is a food worth?
How good are you when you eat?

Yakinkah feels good when alone?
Why do not you try to invite me?
Then compare, which meal feels beautiful

Because I assure you, eating with me will be an opiate for you


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