Chocolate Swiss Roll

Chocolate Swiss Roll :


Eggs: 4
Sugar 1/3 cup + 2 teaspoons
Flour: 1/2 cup
Cocoa powder: 1 teaspoon
Baking powder: 1 teaspoon
Baking soda: 1 pinch
Liquid Milk: 60ml
Canola / Sunflower Oil: 40ml
Vanilla Essence: 1 teaspoon
Salt 1 pinch


Step 1
At the start of the work, let's hit electric oven at 160 degrees for 5 minutes.

Step 2
Then spread the nonstick paper by brushing the oil in the cake tray.

Step 3
Then separate the egg yolk and white part of the egg. Then, if the white part of the egg is a little bit white with low speed, then 1/3 cup sugar three times in a little bit by speeding high speed so that sugar mixed with the egg white is like a foam.
Whenever you want to bite the bowl and turn off the bite, then the white part of the egg does not fall from the bowl on the foam.
Do not over-bite the cake, it becomes hard and dry.

Step 4
Now, with the rest of the sugar with kusum, bite the high speed until the yusum is like the color of the color of the whole color.

Step 5
If you like mushroom cream, mix it with bits of milk and oil.

Step 6
Then mix the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt in a saucepan and mix them with low pressure in a mixture of yolk.

Step 7
If you mix well, then mix the egg white with spatula / whisk three times three times with the mixture of kusum flour.
Do not mix very loudly. Gently fold and fold in hand.

Step 8
Pour the tray into the equalizer with the bat and spatula. Then tap the tray two or three times, then the battery will be out if the air is in it.

Step 9
Then put two trunks from the bottom of the oven to 160 degrees C: or 320 ° F: let's bake at 8-10 minutes at temperature.

Step 10
Check with your toothpick if it is 7/8 minutes.
If the toothpick is clean out then the cake is gone.
And if the toothpike comes with a bat then make a little more bake.
But not more than 10 minutes.

Step 11
Take out the cake.

Step 12
Spread a piece of nonstick paper and sprinkle the cocoa powder on it and keep the cocoa powder on top of the paper and remove the fired paper.

Step 13
Now roll down the cake with the spreading paper and let it cool down again.

Step 14
If you are completely cold, then add the cream of your choice and then roll it again.

Step 15
Then refrigerate the cake for 1 hour and then serve back and serve the fun chocolate Swiss roll

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