It's strawberry season: time for strawberry shortcake!


What you are about to view is seriously the best shortcake recipe ever. My brother, food minimalist that he is, will eat this stuff dry by the fistful. (I mean, usually he's a bit more civilized and he cuts a serving of it out of the dish first, but still, he eats it like it's a cookie. In large quantities.) It's my mom's recipe, and I have no idea where it came from so I can't tell you the source, beyond "tin can, kitchen cupboard, mom's house." But good things were meant to be shared, so here it is:


Strawberry Shortcake

2 cups flour, sifted (we never sift)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup margerine, softened (or butter)
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 egg
3/4 cup milk

Use pastry blender (or a fork and knife, in a pinch) to mix flour, sugar, margarine, baking powder, and salt. With spoon, beat egg into milk and add to mixture. Mix just until moist. Bake in 8×8" pan at 350*F until done (roughly 25 minutes).

You'll also need about 2 baskets of de-stemmed strawberries and some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Personally, I prefer the ice cream. Mash the berries up (but not so much they're puree'd or anything, you want a few chunks), and stir in a cup of sugar.

To make up your bowl, take a square of the cake, cut it in two like a biscuit and start layering! Cake bottom, strawberries, ice cream, strawberries, cake top, strawberries, ice cream, strawberries....or, basically, a tonne of strawberries.

Hope you all can try this beauty out and enjoy! In case you had't noticed, it's definitely a favourite of mine!

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