Russian Sour Cream Cake (Smetannik)

Russian Sour Cream Cake (Smetannik)

This delicious sour cream cake is to die for. Its very light, not too sweet and super soft like cloud. 

This cake is an absolute ideal accompaniment to an evening of tea with friends or a family birthday party. 

The cake absolutely melts in your mouth and its dainty taste is not overpowering or cloyingly sweet. 

Smooth and delicious Russian cake, it’s very presentable and pretty. For all of you out there. Enjoy!


For the dough:
1 cup OR 200 ml of milk
1 egg
pinch of salt
4 tbsp of vegetable or sunflower oil
Fast action dry yeast 7-10 gr ( one sachet) ( + 1 tbsp of sugar)
4 cups OR 500 gr of plain flour 

For the filing:
2 cups OR 500 gr of sour cream
1 tsp of vanilla extract
5 tbsp of sugar
4 very large eggs or 6 medium eggs


Step 1 : Make your dough. Add 1 egg into the bowl with pinch of salt. Whisk it and then add warm milk ( not hot or cold, but luke warm). Then add your 1 tbsp of sugar, sifted flour and yeast. Mix everything together until it forms a nice dough. ( about 5 min)

Step 2 : Add oil back into the bowl and place your dough in there. Cover with damp towel and leave to rest for 30 min - 1 hour. 

Step 3 : Once your dough had time to rest, roll it out. use flour on the surface and on your dough. I am using 26 cm pan, so roll out enough to cover the bottom and the sides of the pan. Make sure you have lined it with parchment paper and sprayed with cooking oil around the edges. 

Step 4 : To make the filling, add large 4 or 6 medium eggs into your bowl. Add sugar and vanilla extract. Whisk it for 5-7 min until it doubles in volume and becomes pale colour. We want to get in as much air as possible. To test it, move your whisk to see if you get the ribbons, then its ready. 

Step 5 : Gently fold in your sour cream and mix well. Pour the mixture into your cake tin. Bake your cake at preheated oven 180 C / 350 F for 40-45 min. If it starts to brown too soon, add foil paper on top of the cake. The cake needs to be wobbly in the middle. You can touch the middle with you hand, if it doesn't fall through, take it out and leave to cool down completely ( 1-2 hours)

Step 6 : Enjoy it warm or cold, sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with fresh fruit! 

Watch the video here:

Lots of love,

Alla xox

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