Spiral, Cylinder, Roller, Twisted - Shapes that we eat.

Sometimes a big bowl of pasta is as comforting as an old shoe. Penne, fettuccine, macaroni, linguine, etc. Be it whatever or however fanciful they are in shape and size, long or short, hard or soft, thick or thin. A bowl full of pasta is like a doorway to the heavens.


Rewinding a little to the history of pasta, so the word ‘pasta’ originates from Latin and Greek which means ‘dough pastry cake’ and ‘barley porridge’.

Most of us know that Italy is the only famous place for pasta but in contrary, Chinese were the first to eat pasta and not the Italians and the former US President Thomas Jefferson introduced pasta to America back in 1780’s.

But never the less Italians gulp the most of pasta and relish it as a kind of their staple food.
Have you ever felt your happiness doubled whenever you ate pasta or am I the only lucky one to feel so?

Well, it is analysed that the carbohydrates present in pasta shoot the secretion of serotonin in our body and the neurotransmitters trigger the feelings of happiness. Sounds funny and factful right.
To our amazement, not all pasta go hand in hand with different sauces. Interesting that fettuccine and linguine pair the best with creamy sauces. The fact here is that the sauces cling well with only particular shapes and sizes. The spiral and short pasta cling better to thick and tasty tomato sauces.


Well, the taste just sweeps us off our feet. The sausage that blends so well with the pasta and with the added flavour of pepper for a spicy feel that gets down our throat after every spoon gets it more added to our satisfaction.
Mention not the rich toppings like olives, roasted red pepper, jalapenos, and golden red onions are the ones that sizzle the pizza and the craving is never ending for no reasons.

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