Recipe: Sour Keueng, Spicy Sour Vegetables Typical Of Aceh

You lovers of typical culinary Nusantara Indonesia circumference and likes to try thetypical regional food? And what's more if you like spicy and sour cuisine, you are worth a visit to Aceh. In addition to the conflict and the Tsunami, Aceh was famous forhis trademark food that feels strong spices herbs and spices will.

And if yes you love the spicy and sour, Aceh has a typical cuisine that has a nutty taste and different acids with other regional cuisine, the name "Keueng Acid" (sour, spicy). True to its name, this dish has a spicy flavor and a very strong acid and condensed. So deeply felt in your tongue.

Acid or Sour Keueng cuisine Keueng in Aceh is very famous. Almost all of the restaurants and the restaurant serves typical cuisine of Aceh. In addition, in every house residents, when asked if ever cooking Keueng Acid? Surely all mothers will nod his head and answered frequently cook it to eat with the family.

The people of Aceh in general the majority of the inhabitants are often sourced from cooking sea fish, like Aceh Rayeuk (Aceh) and Banda Aceh. Cuisine spicy or acid Keueng Acid use many marine fish, such as tuna fish and whitefish. But some are using shrimp.

Each Regency in Aceh have typical Keueng Acid cuisine, and has a flavor that is almost the same, that is equally spicy and sour. A sour taste on dishes Keueng Acid not derived from tomato, vinegar, or lemon, but star fruit wuluh fresh and from "sunti acid" (star fruit wuluh already  in salt and dried).

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