Fuck it, why not? taking a leap of faith.

What would happen if one courageously and boldly followed their soul’s deepest longings?

I wrestled with that idea inexhaustibility. Should I do it? Oh sure the answer may seem obvious to you, but my head was coming up with countless excuses to stay in my comfort zone.


My lease was ending and I was school girlishly in love with someone who nurtured my creativity and ambitions. Something I never experienced before. Could this be what a healthy relationship looks like? It seemed so. Somehow how our vision of packing up our minimal belongings and taking our creative pursuits on the road this summer aligned. We wanted to live a life of as much freedom as possible, a life where the whole world could be our playground and our purpose on this planet unfolded through just living.


There was a little curmudgeon in my head that told me not to be foolish. What trials and tribulations would happen on our travels? But my inner romantic told me;

Fuck it. Let’s Do it.

Let’s see what happens. We were tired of our humdrum lives in Boulder. So we prepared the van aka “the spaceship” and decided to head out to the west coast for a summer of festivals, friends, permaculture and nature. There was no looking back. My life was forever changed and I have no regrets.


It’s been a month on the road now and in such a short time our adventures have been too juicy, too marvelous, too surreal not to share. We’ve met all host of characters from Afghanistani refugee turned mystic crystal vender, to a man travelling with his keyboard and pet macaw. Murray being a photographer and myself being a writer a blog just seemed to make sense. It’s amazing what happens when you follow your soul’s deepest longings. We hope our travel blog inspires you. We will be posting future travel tips, how to's and lifestyle post. Please Enjoy.

Co Creators Zoe Oriana & Michael Murray
Photos by Michael Murray!



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