More fluoride, madam?

Hello Amazing Steemians,

First things first. Why have I used the word madam, instead of sir, in the heading? Have you ever heard of an old husband's tale? Why do people capitalise the word sir and not madam? Neither represent a legal organisation, so why the difference? Wherever you find an imbalance in the world, you will find the key of it all - division. Division is the tool of mass control. Divide the world, divide the land, divide the people. If we are arguing over the differences we each have, we are not looking, noticing or even being aware of, those that are pointing out the divisions. In fact, they don't point out the divisions, they create them.

You may have noticed, in the last paragraph, that I used the division tool. I used the term 'we', followed by 'them'. There is a time and a place for everything, but even that should be questioned, because it is a common phrase. I refer to dividing those that are imposing all sorts of horrors on the world we live on and destroying the place where we are attempting to develop. I can accept most cases of natural differences, which cannot be avoided, such as male and female, tall and short, balck and white and everything in-between, old and young - but, there is no place for division here.

Yes, fluoride, I'm getting there.... I apologise for the tangent-like writing, but this is coming out of my head and if you knew how messy it was in there, you, like I, might be mildly impressed I have gottent this far. Basically, my mind is wretching to throw up all of it's words, ideas, concepts, questions, possible answers and much more over Steemit and then I just need to pick the tangible pieces of carrot out, from the daily bile that carries it.

So, my heading was to point out that in past times, we have old wives' tales and mother's recipes. We have reference to witches and covens, hags and hebalists, healers and spiritualists. Or, do we? What we 'have', is the 'representation' of what was. In an extremely male dominated world, developing into a more scientific, chemical and industrious time, It would not be wise to them that were, to allow the feminine knowledges of medicine to enter the New World of medicines and treatment, in an honest and fairly represented manner.

In modern terminology, the major pharmeceutical companies, that control a lot more than how many paracetamol per second they can produce, and, more importantly to them, sell, do not want some Mama Rene Caisse curing cancer from her home. Nor do they want everybody or anybody to know that their scam is almost up. The major tool of division is fear. They will take from you if you don't conform. Who are 'they'? They come in many forms, from the TV licensing liars, to the Taxation thieves.

So, we invest our knowledges of health, natural ingredients and their uses and of connections with nature, in the women, our mothers. The picture painted by 'mainstream' historians is a very different one. I am not having a go at historians here. The general image of the true holders of the knowledge of nature's healing properties has been molded into a grotesque statue and covered, to save the eyes of the pure, but this is the mis-representation of the roots of our medicinal world.

The further away we move from the natural medicines, the less natural we become. Alchemy became Chemistry. These transitions, advancements or developments of the past, of which there are various, seem to all have the common theme of taking us away from our natural environment, in exchange for a synthetic, chemical, technological simulation.

Many medicines can be found in food. Many poisons can be found in food. Many heling benefits can be had from drinking clean water. Many illnesses and problems can be created from drinking dirty or contaminated water. The differences between good and bad food have been highlighted much over recent years and something that I will be wanting to discuss further in future posts, but my issue here is water. Namely tap water.

Before I go any further, I am sure that there are many of you that ar wondering where I'm heading with this post (and wishing that I would get on with it), so I want to state my aims. There are, for this argument, two types of fluoride in the world (there are more compounds, but here I am talking about two specific types, which will become clear). Firstly, we have naturally occurring fluoride and then there's the fluoride that is added to municipal water supplies.

The fluoride that is added to water supplies, is not a natural occuring form of fluoride, but a mixture of two chemicals. Namely Hexafluorosilicic Acid (labelled hydrofluorosilicic acid) and Sodium Silicofluoride or Sodium Fluorosilicate/ Sodium Fluoride. Before going any further, let's first find out what hexafluorosilicic acid is, where it comes from and why it is added to drinking water in certain parts of the world.


Hexafluorosilicic Acid is a by-product of the fertilizer industry. FSA (fluorosilicic acid) is produced during the concentration of phosphoric acid in an evaporation process unique to the phosphate industry. Fluorspar is crushed and treated with sulphuric acid (after the lead and zinc sulphides have been separated), which creates hydrofluoric acid gas (HF).

The mixture of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride is what is used and classed as fluoride. This is the fluoride being added to the drinking water. This is the fluoride that is the main ingredient of certain modern presription drugs, or 'mainstream medicines', including Rohypnol, Fen Phen and Prozac. It is with water fluoridation that I take most umbrage. This is a toxic poison. It is extremely corrosive, as discovered at The Hazmat Situation, where a tanker of hydrofluorosilicic acid leaked on Rock Island, which burned through the concrete.

There are countries that have refused the use of fluoride in ther water supplies, stating that it is not correct to force it on people and it is not an effective treatment. Most people believe that fluoride is good for their teeth and needed to keep teeth strong. This is a lie and a massive conspiracy to cover up the removal of thousands of tons of toxic, chemical waste every year.

It is the mining by-product, from extracting fertilizer from rock which has no practical use. There have been common links, discovered by solicitors, between the phosphate plants and the following conditions found in the workers there - toxic brain syndrome, leukaemia and emphesymia.

Too much fluoride causes fluorosis: "Dental fluorosis (also termed mottled enamel) is an extremely common disorder, characterized by hypomineralization of tooth enamel caused by ingestion of excessive fluoride during enamel formation. ... In moderate to severe fluorosis, teeth are physically damaged"- Wikipedia (Dental Fluorosis). If this is added to water to protect the enamel, how can it cause enamel damage?


Dr. James Sumner stated in 1965, "Everybody knows fluorine and fluorides are very poisonous substances and we use them in enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes, those vital agents in the body", and according to Dr. James E. Rota (D.D.S.) - biological dentist, fluoride disturbs the body in the following ways:

  1. It inactivates 62 enzymes.
  2. It increases the ageing process.
  3. It increases the incidents of cancer and tumor growth.
  4. It disrupts the immune system.
  5. It causes genetic damage.
  6. It interrupts DNA repair-enzyme activity.
  7. It increases arthritis and is a systemic poison.
    (Arthritis : Latin for 'joint pain' or 'joint inflammation'. Use of Latin to put all joint pain into the Arthritis box and falsely giving many patients the false belief that they have some irreversible condition).
    And what about rheumatoid arthritis?
    "Where does the name rheumatoid arthritis come from?
    The Latin root word is rheumaticus, "troubled with rheum," and rheum itself is a Greek word that means "flow." The word was first ascribed to the disease of rheumatism because of the way it seemed to spread — or flow — within a patient's body."
    It's nonsense!
    Rheumatic: [adj.] of, or pertaining to arthritis.
    Rheumatic [n] a person suffering with rheumatism.

A person suffering with 'flow'? Okay, let's not get too bogged down with the details.

I apologise if this is difficult to read, but I have tried to make this as easy to read as possible, in order to give you enough information to see that hexafluorosilicic acid should definitely not be added to drinking water. It is added to water as a medicine. A treatment. A 'one dose fits all' enforced treatment. It is the only ingredient added to water for non-purification reasons. It's added as a medicinal requirement, but it is a poison. A toxic waste product.

There is so much disinformation out there, but the facts cannot be changed. in 1954 and 1968, San Diego rejected water fluoridation. The first fluoride addition to a water supply was on january 25th, 1945, in Grand Rapids, America, just over seven months after the second world war ended (Hitler added fluoride to the water in concentration camps, to make the prisoners dosile). Twenty four I.Q. studies of fairly moderate exposure to fluoride showed a drop in I.Q. If it is added as a health benefit, why not add magnesium, selenium or chromium, which we are all generally deficient in?

This is a page that I was going to copy info from and I am not sure if it's okay to share it, because I didn't create it, but I'm linking it, to save time and it's a quick read, but you can look further into the quotes from the different countries:

Whilst researching this topic, I read that Luxembourg had completely refused the idea of fluoridating their water, so I Googled 'Luxembourg productivity' and the result was 'How Luxembourg became the World's most productive country'. Yes, maybe a coincidence, but you find a lot of correlations like these, you just have to keep them in perspective. They cannot stand alone as factual proof, but can very well sit in the background, in support of the truth.

I haven't even mentioned the enormous damage that the extraction of these chemicals cause and create. Massive expanses of forestry are levelled and giant holes left. The problem is food, or the amount of it. The fertilizers are needed for the growing demands of foods and only five countries have 88% of the remaining phosphate rock reserves. All of the good phosphate has been exhausted and it takes 10 - 15 million years for it to form.


We need to be aware of what is in our drinking water and petition the authorities to remove any chemicals that we do not want present. The major issue here is the bottom line. If fluoride is bad for you, then why is it really in our water. I have found, from the research, that there appears to be a major cover-up, wherein the phosphorous fertilizer production companies, after finding their waste gases from their chimneys killed and ailed animals and blighted crops, locally, did some deal, wherein they sold the idea that chemical fluoride would be a health benefit and a positive addition to drinking water, as well as it's use in dental products.

I have looked at water suplies in the U.K. and certain areas are treated and others not. This doesn't make sense, if it's a medicinal requirement. It is a toxic waste by-product, which they could not dump anywhere. 250,000 tons of fluoride (sodium fluoride) are added to the water supply in America, every year.

The Water Balance: Florida - The phosphate industry uses more fresh water than any other industry in the State of Florida and they sometimes need to release, or leak, water from toxic farms. They release it into the creeks and it runs into the Swanee river. It's limed, so as not to instantly kill the fish. The Swanee river is claimed to be a pristine waterway. The Fresh and Game commision in Florida have sent out a public warning not to eat more than one fish from the river per week.

There are many more aspects to consider and more depth to investigate, but I'm hoping that I have managed to portray something. That it's madness to have such a chemical added to our drinking water, and selectively, at that (albeit, my findings and claims are factual, actual and real, which, to the very best of my knowledge, they are). The weirdness of the addition and who authorises it in the U.K. is weirdness on a stick.

I may edit this post, to make more sense, as it might be too much, but I am sure I may follow it up with more of what is in our water, such as chlorine and the trihalamethane gases that it can cause and the damage that can do to us. The way fluoride affects the thyroid (it will take fluoride and chlorine when there isn't any iodine to take - they are very similar in chemical composition and in the same group on the elemental table). Fluoride also roughens the outer bone, which can tear muscles and moving can be painful.

Okay, just because I've been at this for ages and you have endulged me way beyond and above my exoectations........ hello?........... hello?......... Ah well, either way, I must end somewhere, and here we are.

Thank you for reading and I genuinely hope that you have found it interesting and all the very best to you,


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