Weightloss Wednesday: I DID MY FIRST CHIN UP!!!

In my original Steemit Fitnesschallenge post, I wrote down my goals:

Weight: 194lbs
RHR: 84
Fitness: I can do 5 sets of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off HIIT cardio before I'm literally ready to vomit from the exertion. I am REALLY out of shape. Seriously 2.5 minutes of cardio does me IN.
GOALS (by March 1st)
Weight 170
RHR: 74
Fitness: I am going to work up to being able to do 20-30 minutes of HIIT (using battleropes and stall bars) at a shot without vomiting :/ Hopefully. I don't know if this works for the contest, but I can not workout outside without allergies knocking me on my ass and it's going to be cold as balls here once January really gets going... so I have to stick with what I have in my house already. If you have suggestions for a better way to have a measurable/compatible goal, I'm all ears.

The fitness portion of my challenge wasn't really viable in the grand scheme of competition, and I'm really not interested in steady state cardio as a workout at all. So, I just set challenges for myself and decided to do the 'personal challenge' instead of the group challenge. I just really couldn't find a way that fit the way that I work out.

My Fitness Challenge Update:

Weight: 194lbs
RHR: 84
*Fitness: ?

GOALS (by March 1st)
Weight 170 Weight: 180
RHR: 74 (actually even lower most mornings!)
*Fitness: Did two full out pull ups/chin ups in a row (managed to catch the second one on video... because I really REALLY didn't expect to be able to do the first one, so I didn't think to video!)



As I wrote in another Weightloss Wednesday Update

Exercise The first thing I wanted to write about is something that has me SO freaking excited. It’s going to seem really lame to some of you, but I’m thrilled! One of my goals this year was to be able to do a pullup. I haven’t been able to do a pullup since childhood and it’s driving me crazy. I have tried many times to work up to it, but no matter how many times I tried, how much weight I was lifting, the pull up just seemed to stay wayyyy out of my reach.

So its been AMAZING to me that I've accomplished this!

Anyone who has been following me through this #fitnesschallenge knows that I determined to get a real pull up done... hopefully by the end of this challenge. Honestly, I was afraid that was the goal that was going to be hard to beat, because in the beginning, I couldn't even lower myself down slowly, much less pull myself UP! I not only did one, but I did TWO all the way to the chin up on the bar.

I ALSO managed to go from not being able to even do one solid pushup (on my toes) to being able to do TWELVE!

Of course, the last week plus have had me pretty much flat on my back with this horrible cold/flu thing, so I imagine at this point, I would fail at trying to do pretty much anything. :(


I was definitely too lofty in my weightloss goals. I should have known better. I have been determined, more than anything, to fix my internal dialogue of self-loathing, body image issues this year. It was more impotrant to me than the number on the scale. After 40+ years of letting that number define me and my happiness, I have been making changes to the point that I have been honestly okay with losing weight slowly.

That means that I've lost weight slower than ever before, BUT I've kept up my healthy changes for 11 months now. I've never stuck with anything this consistently for this long... SO... The number on the scale didn't move as much as I'd hoped (170 was my goal) BUT I am down to 180 from 194, so I consider that a pretty damn good amount of progress, especially since that included holidays!

Resting Heart Rate

This, oddly enough, changed early on and has stayed consistent. Of course I only have my own self to physically count the beats, because I don't have any of the fancy watches/bands or otherwise to track anything. Still, I've been happy with this progress!


That being said, I feel like I've really failed this challenge based on what I wanted to accomplish, but I still feel like I made progress (and 13 pounds lost at this stage is nothing to sneeze at!) and I need to acknowledge that for my own mental health. I don't know... It was a fail and a success... just not in the ways I had planned!

Learning more about myself and knowing that I need to find a way to make a SOLID exercise plan, because winging it isn't helping. The small goals were great and I feel INCREDIBLE that I actually got to the point of doing "real" pushups and TWO chin ups along with other fitness things (like pole fitness) and whatnot that I've accomplished, I do feel good about that, but I need a more cohesive plan for the future.

Since I'm still sick and recovering right now, I'm going to work on a serious workout plan and I'll post that next week to stay accountable.

That's all I have for the moment.

Thanks for keeping up with me!


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