It's been a while...if I have the energy, I should have the time

What's up my Steemy friends? I haven't blogged in a while. Heck, to be honest, I haven't done much of anything besides work. I binged a lot of netflix because I was tired. Even came across a few crypto mentions and didn't bother making a post about it. Now I'm sick of being tired. Hours have turned into days and days have turned into weeks and months. It's crazy how time has gone by so fast. Haven't even streamed in at least a month. I have to say that I enjoy blogging a lot more than I do streaming so I plan on doing less of that.

I miss steeming around and plan on being more active. Hopefully. I enjoy blogging and posting my #rockhound pictures more than I do streaming and feel that I've fallen into some kind of "dark time" because I'm not doing what I truly enjoy doing. Well, I've partially organized my rock collection, which means I just put them all into buckets on a shelf just for my rocks. Will post about it!

Life is a blur

Auto focus didn't let me focus on the person in the hammock, but this fits. The person got up right after, so I couldn't get the shot I wanted

I went kayaking for the first time about a week ago. I used the kayak I acquired last year. Brand new it's worth about $900 so it's a decent kayak. It was fun and quite an exercise so I decided no more laziness. I need to get back to doing what I enjoy. The same day I was mentioned by @steemmatt and @belemo and I got curious, checked out what was going on and saw that the #fitnesschallenge was back in action. I couldn't say no, but I also know I haven't been exercising lately so it's taken me a while. My body is not reacting well, and the last year feels like one big lazy blur from sleeping so much in-between jobs. It took me over a year to take out my new kayak...time is just on some kind of fast-forward motion for me. One day turns into weeks ago real fast and then I wonder if I could have spent my free time any better. Had a check ready around July 24th and I didn't pick it up til August 16th. I am lagging behind for sure. I am not sure how I managed to make multiple posts every day.


It's been difficult, but I am trying to break that routine by re-organizing my life and my house. I did not realize how little free time I would have while juggling two jobs. I thought it would be temporary, but now that it seems to not be I can't avoid exercising or any other obligations and hobbies anymore. I have to make time for it, or I'll go crazy.

Feels like I am starting all over again and everything that I worked toward for those 100 days of exercise was for nothing. I can feel it, but after the first 20 reps I felt good just for doing it and wanted to do more, but I've gained some...issues,

I haven't been stretching. Not even before work, so that was the first thing I did. Felt some back pain that didn't feel good, but I can still get some reps done.

I wasn't surprised, but I only did 20 squats before I had to take a quick breather.

My Left Shoulder

Switched it up to get some push-ups done and then I remembered about my shoulder. I have a shoulder injury that I haven't gotten checked out yet. It can be painful and it depends on how much weight I put on it, and I especially feel it when I wake up. I don't know how I got it. Maybe lack of stretching, but I slept wrong one night and it's been hurting ever since.

My Wrist

This is one injury I always seem to forget about until I need to use my wrist. This injury happened at work. I partially fell or something, and landed with my palm out on my wrist. It was painful but felt similar to other wrist injuries I've had so I thought nothing of it. Months later and I can still feel it if I put too much strain on my wrist.

I think slow and steady will help me. Of course, plenty of stretching too. I'm not a fan of doctors, but maybe I'll have to get this checked out in order to properly participate, I just think lack of exercise is why it's there, but I'll probably take it slow.

Work and sleep and sleep and work

and what I thought was only going to be a 6 week temporary job

I didn't think I'd be sticking around this job for as long as I have and it seems to be mostly permanent. I started off just doing labor work for a concrete company and after a while I was offered a position in the office to do payroll and other forms of paper work. I was happy to do it, since concrete is not for me but I still get out to the jobsite every now and then. With 2 jobs though, all I ever seem to do is work and sleep. Sometimes I work less hours then I did last summer and yet still more tired. This is where I realized I'm not getting enough exercise because I should be able to have time for some "me" stuff (like blogging) so if I add regular exercise, I'll have the energy and should have the time!


Nothing much to look at when it comes to concrete pics, but because I do the office work the boss focuses on keeping me alive so I get to do easier stuff like showing one of his properties he's got for sale. Right in the heart of downtown Duluth, so when we get on the roof I get this view to enjoy:

In other cases, I got to drive his sweet jeep down to his lake house. Couldn't go over 40 MPH because the tires are too big, it was still fun to drive it for 2 hours.


There's no ignition or radio. You turn it on with a button (no keys or push-to-start tech) and the hazard light button shuts it off. Definitely not "road legal" and a toy I would love to have one day.

The only thing that bothers me the most about this job is all the times I wish I had my good camera. Of course, I am always reluctant to bring it along...concrete dust can't be good for my camera and I'd hate to have it ruined on a jobsite.

Just a small dose of the go-go-go I've been dealing with lately, so any time I get to sit down I tend to just sit and do nothing as opposed to doing anything productive. Getting back into a productive mindset won't be easy but it's been nagging at me for a while. I just think lack of exercise is one of the main reasons behind it. I've gotten very lazy over the last 6 months. So what better way to start than with the #fitnesschallenge by @steemmatt? Even though I've been super active and working crazy hours, the less than 200 reps I've done in the last two days tell me I am out of shape again.

The Steemit Side of Things

Having been mostly AFK for so long I see that some things have changed around here. So many tokens and so many new third-party websites. I guess I'll start using palnet, but I have to say that it is becoming difficult to keep up with everything-steemit and what site to blog from. I wonder if the heavy addition of so many tokens is why the price is down so much? I have questions, but it seems we have a hard fork in just a few days so I may as well wait and read around before I ask them. What are you using?

Well that's all for now...we'll see if I can get another post before it's suddenly been 14 days. Steem on!

When I joined Steemit I made the decision to always Power-Up my earnings. For now, payouts are set to 50/50 but you bet I will convert & Power Up! Besides internal transfers, I have never cashed out and don't plan on it! Power-Up only!


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