Hitting the ground 490 times in 7 Days | Shape Yourself!

This is no motivational post about how you should allow yourself to fail and get up back again and again. There are enough pieces of work floating around here.


This post is rather both egocentric and hopefully inspirational.

A recap of my first 7 Days of the 30 Day Push up Challenge.


7 push-ups


10 Sets


7 Days


490 Push ups


With some acrobatics in between.


For a total of 30 Days


After surviving the first hell days of the push-up challenge things developed pretty fast.

Having been strained from a previous shoulder and chest workout with Mr. muscle at the German Gym and thus resulting sore muscles even the 1. Push up of the 1. Set of the 1. Day was bringing me to tears.

This condition lastet until day 3. The end of the hell days.

From then on I could feel and see my bizeps rise in size and even the muscles hidden deep below my enormous belly welcomed me with a little hello.

Those 7 Days have passed in the blink of an eye and I cannot expect the days yet to follow having in mind the end result .

Me, just a little bit more in shape.

Current state of latte art


Until then! Thank you for Being!

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