GymSamurai: Personal Fitness Challenge Day 18 - Chest/Shoulders


"Your love for what you do and willingness to push yourself where others aren't prepared to go is what will make you great." - Laurence Shahlaei

Body weight: 253.6lbs (-2lbs)
Calories burned: 2950
Calories eaten: 2497 (185g protein, 126g carb, 138g fat)
Steps taken: 4411
Workout duration: 30 min
Weight lifted: 9,595lbs

Fitting in a workout at a foreign gym. Missing a lot of equipment I usually use and crowded, I was just happy to get in and move some iron after completely missing yesterday.


Bench press: 95x12/10/12/12
Incline DB press: 80x10, 60x10/10
Cable crossover: 50x12/12


Upright barbell row: 45x15/15/15

Shoulders were complaining on the flat bench so I had to go light and high reps. Despite that, the pain in my shoulder was intense enough that I had to back off. That demoralized me a bit, combined with the missing equipment and overflowing facility. My head and heart just weren't in it today. I managed to suck it up, go through the motions, and get a decent chest workout in. Shoulders, not so much.

Leg Day tomorrow, schedule permitting.

Stay Strong, Steemians! :)

Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins, view all my GymSamurai posts from the last week at, or view my feed at @imagin8orr for my other posts. Thanks!

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