GymSamurai: Personal Fitness Challenge Day 16 - Rest Day


"Hard work is a two-way street. You get back exactly what you put in."

Body weight: 255.6lbs (+2.8lbs)
Calories burned: 3916
Calories eaten: 1915 (92g protein, 164g carb, 89g fat)
Steps taken: 7902

Rest day and travel day. Spent the afternoon on a plane and forgot to bring protein bars so my overall calories were down but my carbs were still pretty high. Not a good combination for muscle gain or weight loss, particularly since each gram of carbohydrates retains four times its weight in water.

Fortunately, I was able to finish off the day with some Swedish meatballs, which hopefully reminded my body that we’re trying to increase muscle protein synthesis. :) All in all, I didn’t get enough protein to stimulate any growth. Perhaps the amount of walking I did burned off all the carbs too and it will end up being a net-neutral day. We shall see what the scale says in the morning…

Up next: Back Day!

Stay Strong, Steemians! :)

Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins, view all my GymSamurai posts from the last week at, or view my feed at @imagin8orr for my other posts. Thanks!

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