GymSamurai: Personal Fitness Challenge Day 13 - Chest/Shoulders


Hard work is a two-way street. You get back exactly what you put in.

Body weight: 255lbs (-0.4lbs)
Calories burned: 2916
Calories eaten: 2813 (168g protein, 183g carb, 150g fat)
Steps taken: 2920
Workout duration: 45 min
Weight lifted: 11,015lbs

Chest and shoulders day. I upped my target reps to the 10-12 range for most sets and got a phenomenal pump during the workout. I just started PT for my shoulder and had to take it easy on them - foregoing everything but some upright rows, which I did til my shoulders were screaming.


Decline bench: 135x12/12/10/7
Incline DB press: 80x8, 60x10, 40x10
Cable crossover: 60x12/10/8


Upright barbell row: 50x12/12/12

Finished up with a 15 minute hydromassage and really felt the chest and shoulders pump. Both were screaming during the higher reps, feeling totally engorged, and I had trouble relaxing enough on the massage table for about five minutes. My shoulders were particularly painful - in a lactic acid buildup way, not an injury way, which was good.

My pain tolerance is increasing, as is my body's ability to flush the lactic acid I'm generating during exercise. Pumps are coming bigger and easier now as my mind-muscle connection is being reinforced. The bod is tightening up and responding well to exercise, and I'm feeling better and better in general. Good stuff!

Up next, Leg Day! :)

Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins, view all my GymSamurai posts at, or view my feed at @imagin8orr for other posts.

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