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🔜 7th #miniCHALLENGE​​​! Are you READY? Let's GO! [JUN.12.2021 @ 8PM CET]



Let's get right to the point shall we.

Your here reading these words once again...

Right on the cusp of yet another #miniCHALLENGE.

And this one is already number 7.

That means we have been hard at it for 7 weeks!

If you have been following along with our Pep Talk's you will know that we have been taking some time to cover off S.M.A.R.T. Goals right!?

Now's that getting to the point part.

There's all these things that you want to do.

You probably feel time's gravity gravely right?

It's part of being the humans we find ourselves.

Blessed and cursed with these bodies...

And blessed and cursed with 24 hours each day with which to use towards the progression of our aspirations.

And it isn't always pretty is it!?

No! It's not!

That's the other thing about drawing breath on this planet as a living breathing human being with finite but also limitless potential!

It seems like a contradiction in terms and some day's it actually feels that way...

So it all boils down to how we prioritize the importance of our objectives!

You see...

There's this BIG LIST.

It's an ever growing list...

And it seems to grow all on it's own doesn't it!?




If it were a mountain it would probably be called "Mount Never Rest" right?!

Gosh that thing has weight!

It's got all the important jumbled together with the in your face imperative that you'll probably forget the second your done with it...

That stuff rings in your face.

It buzzes in your butt pockets.

It snaps it's fingers like a magician and your the helper!

Expected to dance across the stage like a puppet on strings!

Theirs to command!

But all that stuff jam packed into the hear and now is just noise.

It's sand between your butt crack.

Annoying stuff that's more like a virus to your brain...

It stops you in your tracks and depletes your preciouses brain juice doesn't it?

So you gotta identify what it is!

It's sand. Nothing substantial. Something you might want to say, "No.", to.

But you tell us...

It got onto your BIG LIST like Santa clauses list and he's checking it twice...

And just shaking his jolly elf head in wonder!

How does a person confined to 24 hours possibly do all of...


Well... the short answer is...



So that sands on your BIG LIST has gotta git!

Sweep it up and toss it where it belongs!

Your not an everlasting jolly old elf!

Your a human being!

Ok! So we spent some time figuring out our, "NEED TO's".

That was the whole point of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals correct? (And S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific Measurable Action Orientated Realistic and Timed. If you want to give that a go over just read through the Pep Talk in #miniCHALLENGE 6's post. It's worth the read!)

There's also the, "WANT TO's", on this list.

And it's really helpful to purge that BIG LIST of everything that shouldn't really be on there...

Why agonize!

Let's break it down...

Because theirs actually 4 categories that your items on the BIG To Do List can be broken down into.

Here they are:

Dammmmnnnn right?

That's the honest truth though right?

Guess where all that sand has been stored (other than up your butt cheeks! lol!)

The items you do not need to and do not want to do are the superficial busy, ring in your face sand... most of the time anyways!

Life's chalk full of that stuff and it seems oh so important at the moment because it's right there... right in your face screaming at you telling you that if you say, "Heck NO!" your going to keel right over on the spot and die a horrible death.

But that's a lie we've maybe got used to listening to...

ShutUP that nonsense and let's move on!

What's next?

Need to but you really don't want to do it.

This is the low level stuff that kills your spirit. These are more like pebbles... You gotta pay a little more attention to these guys! They get stuck in your shoe and can be a real pain in the butt!

A lot of these can be delegated to other people... Or even revaluated!

They might be disguised as more important than they really are.

What happens if you DON'T do them?

Will they magically take care of themselves or someone else will shrug and do them (because it was their job to begin with!)?

Then that's actually SAND.

Flush it!

Now at least you know what really does NEED to be done.

Maybe now that your not so overwhelmed with all those monkeys on your back... You can actually think clearly... and shift your attitude towards those things.

Life doesn't have to be like pulling teeth you know!

Now it's on to figuring out the next one.

Do you feel like Bruce Lee battling his way up the tower in his yellow jump suit? Yeah... You caught that image in your mind and ran with it didn't you? We thoughts so!

Here! Have some nunchucks!

This parts going to start to get fun!

Clarity is how you determine what should be on your priority list... and NONE of these mystical items should even slightly touch your short daily list until you have given them the thrashing they deserve!

You only want to be working with the very best material right?

Well winning is all about beating out the baddies and barreling through the bum work.

Life is all about play... That's where the healthies humans hang out!

You see them.

Hanging there in the moment hitting a fast ball and turning it into a home run, smacking a tennis ball in slow motion, skipping a beat as that amazing looking stud or sparkle walks on by. There it is! That magic that makes life zing!

You got it!

It's the here and now that brings a body and mind to optimal health and fitness!

It's not way out there in the future... and a lost part of your past.


That's the important stuff no matter what your worker bee brain and all those drones around you might be saying. That deferral plans got you stuck so get ready to bash that idea with those nunchucks we handed you!

Play is what makes all that hard work worth while.

We don't work to work some more and then die...

We work so that we can P.L.A.Y!

So that's what the next rock in on your big list is all about!


Don't defer and wait when you can live the optimized life you want to right now!

These are the items on your list that you don't need to do but you want to do.

These are your, "Heck YES!" moment. The very fabric of your life and what your memories are actually going to be made out of!

So stop everything your doing and highlight those ROCK-N-ROLL activities that you've been guilting yourself out of... and step into the LIGHT like you mean it!


What's next! It can't possibly get better than this right?



This is when your passion and desire aligns with what you ACTUALLY NEED from your life.

It's your WHY?!

Why did you step out of bed...

HECK! Let's backUP to the beginning

Why did you step onto this earth as a mortal?

Do you know?

Well... that might be hard for some... especially if your just getting started out at this thing called life... But it's possible to follow the breadcrumbs and THAT is all about listening to your heart.

Your heart already knows what it needs. It's sitting right there under the surface of your consciousness isn't it? It's whispering to you when you least expect it!

Taking care of the other health compounders... Your Spirit & Mind (Your bodies the earth suite for these aspects of your soul oh earth voyager!) makes you keenly aware of all those NEEDS and all those WANTS!

Once those align... It becomes pretty obvious where the boulders in your life lay. These are the important things. The things that no one else can do for you nor would you want anyone else to do them for you.

Only you can do them and that's how you know that they are truly important!


So do you get it?

Are you settled and calm?

Yes! We bet you are right...

Ok! Now your S.M.A.R.T. Goals have real and true meaning!

We can now convert them into PROMISES.

And that should be easy right?

Now your BIG list (you remember that one... It used to overwhelm and stress you right out right?!) is MANAGABLE!

It's more than manageable

It's exciting and empowering!

Because you are now connected with your identity, purpose, and drive!

And if you aren't Then you might be VERY close!

These sorts of things can switch like a light switch... so be patient with yourself and do the work!

It's the internal stuff that's going to determine if you WIN or not!

And if your going to go through all the trouble... all the soul searching... You had better get somewhere with it!

Think about the power of a promise to yourself... anyone for that matter!

If you promised on the day you married your wonderful half that you would, "try to be faithful." how do you think that would go over?

Oh wow!

Not to good right?!

So you see...

Converting your goals to S.M.A.R.T. Goals... and then taking those S.M.A.R.T. Goals and checking to see how they fit into the NEED + WANT Quadrant... all of this effort has lead you to a PROMISE to yourself!

And because you did all of that work before hand...

You may find that this is one of the easiest promises you have ever made to yourself!

Soooooo there you have it!

We sincerely hope that you enjoyed this goal setting session!

Please think carefully about what your going to do next!

This could be absolutely AMAZING you guys and girls!

Cheers to you all!

You know how to win if you've made it this far!

Now are you READY?

Let's go!!!

-The @BeachReady Crew

About Tomorrow's #miniCHALLENGE

Ok! Here's the details:

Mark your calendars and block off your schedules! 30min. #miniCHALLENGE #workout every Saturday @ 8PM CET!

✅ Synchronize your clocks! [8pm CET] 🕗
✅ You will need a chair and your own body weight for this workout. 🛋
✅ Set out your workout gear. 👟
✅ Your going to need some water too. 🚰
✅ Yes! A towel might also be a good idea. ⬜️
✅ Invite your friends! Challenge them to a #miniCHALLENGE! 👱‍♀👦
✅ Remember! It only takes 5min. at a time to #Win! 🏆

There! Now your READY!

It's time to GET those RESULTS!

Let's GO!

As we normally do, we are broadcasting from 2 YouTube Channels tomorrow! Select the channel you would like to attend bellow! 👇

The Ready Media Channel

The @Actifit Channel

For those of you wondering the LIVE workout's FLOW as follows 👇



❤️ [5min] — REP + RALLY

👟 [5min] — WARMUP

💪 [5+5+5min] — WORKOUT INTERVAL

[30 — 60sec. Catch Your Breath + Intensity Check]

👍 [5min] — STRETCH

🙌 everybody #HighFive everybody!




@BeachReady @Actifit Trainer @wil.metcalfe will be taking us through another rush of reps! This time we will be targeting the UPPER BODY!

Wil is a certified personal trainer with over 10 years of experience so you are going to get something from this #miniCHALLENGE. Buuuuut keep in mind...

If you start NOW... RIGHT NOW! Your never going to wish that you hadn't. In fact your probably going to wish you'd started sooner! Wayyyyyy sooner! So take a hint... Take action today! Don't wait for the moss to grow, your body to age & get bent out of shape!


➕ Find out more about the #miniCHALLENGE! 👇

1️⃣ @beachready/2nd-minichallenge-are-you-ready-lets-go-may082021
2️⃣ @beachready/a-new-fitness-challenge-launching-the-minichallenge-lives

➕ Don't wait! Do a #miniCHALLENGE right now! Check out and follow along to some of the pervious #miniCHALLENGES! 👇

#miniCHALLENGE 6️⃣

#miniCHALLENGE 5️⃣

#miniCHALLENGE 4️⃣

🎧Listen to the @BeachReady Rap! Let's get PUMPED!🎧

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